Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
Posted: Jul 27 2010 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: July 27, 2010 at 11:54 am

Filed under: Jim's Mailbox

While the gold market will be “pressed” as long as possible, it will change direction when time is up

Housing prices are rising according to economic reports this morning. The source of this economic miracle was not identified, but has to be primarily in the minds of those so reporting. The Euro traded over $1.30 before running into selling. Consensus see this as solved problems in the EU, not a hint of greater problems in the US. FASB capitulation and creative accounting impacting banks earnings are the subject of Eric’s contribution below. Calls I am getting this morning are total capitulation calls. Emails are worse. Gold will trade at $1650 and beyond.

Those that buy strength and sell weakness will lose in gold.

The three steps of paper operations

(1) Setup sentiment with bearish stories on F-TV before and during the operation.
(2) Since the shorts are few in number, well-organized and coordinated, it’s easy to press the market through short-term technical triggers.
(3) Once the technical trigger is generated, the numerous and high uncoordinated computers do all the work.

As I wrote on Sunday, "while the gold market will be “pressed” as long as possible, it will change direction when time is up." Those controlling the operation understand the limitation of time. Retail money does not, so watch them closely (see chart below). They will be setup on the wrong side at the wrong time for the benefit of connected money. Who are they? They are the ones with the smirk on their face during the decline.

Gold London P.M Fixed and the Nonreportable Traders COT Futures and Options Stochastic Weighted Average of Net Long As A % of Open Interest:

This game will be repeated again and again in the future because the sheeple are determined to remain asleep until moments before the slaughter.

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