Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
in response to cantjustread's message

Hugo has the support of a substantial percentage of the VZ population and he has it for good reason. He has done way more for more people than anyone else ever did.

Unless you have spent some time in south america, it is almost impossible too understand just how morally bankrupt and disgusting the previous regimes were in their treatment of a majority of the population. I have never seen such arrogance, contempt and cruelty towards other human beings as that which I witnessed in counties like Columbia and VZ.

These counties were run (and owned for the most part) by light skinned, Spanish descendant aristocracies that quite happily had the rest of the population living like slaves.

Hugo may very well continue to be elected until there is a viable, progressive opposition that offers a better alternative for the majority.

Yes, I know that Hugo is an idiot. He needs lessons in economics and pragmatism. Destroying successful businesses instead of taxing them and choosing Cuba as a model is stupid beyond belief.

But it is still going to look better to most Venezuelans than allowing the plantation owners back into power.

The problem we face is that generally you are perceived of as being either part of the solution or as part of the problem and the antagonistic relationship between Bush and Hugo (not to mention other aspects of NA SA history) makes us seem more like part of the problem.

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