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Chavez called it "unspeakable and deplorable" IACHR report on Venezuela

President Hugo Chávez, described as "unspeakable and deplorable" the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) which advised the Government to implement "serious restrictions" on human rights in the country.
"Another report by the IACHR ineffable" that would consist of "a patchwork quilt. It's disgraceful," said Chavez during a press conference at government headquarters.
He reiterated his criticism of the moral worth of the Commission to again accuse her of having "supported the coup" that ousted him for only 48 hours in April 2002.
"It's the same committee that supported (the brief de facto ruler, Pedro) Carmona, but is part of the aggression, the constant threats" against the Bolivarian "revolution" leading from said Chavez.
This so-called "permanent campaign" driven by "oligarchs" local and overseas clients with the support of the American empire seeks to "isolate Venezuela," a goal that has not been achieved, according to the president.
"It's not worth answering to those people. It's rubbish. What we must do is terminate the agreement by which Venezuela was attached to the commission and get out of there," he said.
The president noted that at the political level in Venezuela is a democracy that will keep growing. " He also denied seeking a "centralization of state."
He noted that it would be a rebellion in support of the Government, because "it's a people's government for the people" by what he called the opposition to remain "calm."
Chavez said that the decision to expropriate the company sheds some Polar in Barquisimeto, Lara state, "no turning back." He also clarified that his government would not accept the excuse of the need to reduce electricity consumption as a possible cause of food shortages.
"On the issue of the Polar (...) I'm not going to go ahead with action but it all depends on what they decide to do, if they decided to boycott the new economy and the elements of the people would have to act, what we do, expropriate, and pay what it costs, and put the plant into the hands of workers, "he said.
He clarified that it has no animosity against Empresas Polar. "Polar Be good and I have no problem with you (..) and then UBICATE, drop it," he said.
He recalled that the U.S. company Coca - Cola agreed to the realignment of a property they had in downtown Caracas to the outskirts of the city. "They willingly accepted the decision," he said.
President Hugo Chávez said he was "willing" to meet with his Colombian counterpart, Álvaro Uribe, to try to improve their relationship after the altercation occurred during the Rio Group summit.
He said that "If it were not for the table between us, which was not very wide, I believe that if it were not for that table, the president of Colombia had been against me."
"We feel like gentlemen to talk, argue, well," Chavez told a news conference at the Miraflores presidential palace, where he reiterated that he regretted the altercation between them, but also denounced a campaign "permanent" in Colombia to create "animosity "Regarding Venezuela.
Chavez made it clear that to talk with the Colombian government would have to play the song "Pedro Carmona, whom he called a" murderer. "
"Pedro Carmona is a murderer, lives in Colombia alone. He is a tyrant and there is enjoying. That's another thing to talk with the Government of Colombia. They have no evidence that tyrants have here, we do have evidence that Amparan beyond terrorism, Carmona example, "said the President.
The Head of State said: "If Colombia wants to restore trade with Venezuela that has to be transparent. Bluntly that."
"When he took the way of insult (...) I will not fall into that area and go there, to the place that (...) this unfortunate event that I've attributed to many pressures to load the president of Colombia" he said.
Moreover, he demanded that "cease attacks against us. That is a sine qua non. That government cease all aggression of Colombia against us."
On the other hand, explained that "the Colombian oligarchy and its various manifestations they think they see us, really a threat and Impreio only strengthens this threat (..) is based on fear, fear of contagion. We we are not only exporting the Bolivarian revolution that they believe could be a "contagion".
He continued that if it is true that England sent a submarine to the Falklands, it would become a real threat, although Argentina has said it will not use military force.
"Is that the English are going crazy?" He asked and called it "ridiculous" this action should be true.
President Chavez said Latin America needs to form a power pole and that was what appeared again in Mexico. "This is not a bargain 'anti' unless there (in USA) we have to attack and defend. It is a covenant by our people, our unity, sovereignty and integration," he said.
He said the executive secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States, Santiago Canton, is "pure dung" and said the OAS was born on the blood of Gaitán in Colombia, after several meetings.
The President reported that the new organization, created in Mexico, will be called the Celac and stated that it is not anti-American pact or agreement against any country.
He said an event such as occurred in Mexico had never happened because the Empire did not allow it and other times the cost intention to invasions.
The Head of State noted that the OAS was not the dream of Bolivar, but the storm and the realization of the imperial project, which eventually disappear, as he said, will disappear. "But to each his pig arrives Saturday," he said.
The President said he will not accept blackmail and argues that if employers can not produce food for the energy shortage, the government will know how to make industries work.
He announced that this Friday will travel to Barcelona to light some power plants that had a cement factory and he never put in place with capacity to export about nine thousand kilowatts.
He said that already bought power plants for basic business and this year will be installed for its own energy.
Chavez said Thursday he would be "compliant" if the U.S. economy, which closed 2009 with a decline of 2.9% in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), ends this year with a positive 1%.
"If we grow this year by 1% I would agree. To me what matters most to me is to drop further misery, poverty and unemployment," he said.
"We are confident that the Venezuelan economy will return to the path of growth and strength," he said, attributing part of the decline of GDP to decline in oil prices experienced in 2009.
In addition, the president stressed that the government will continue to fight the "dollar speculative.
The president proposed that the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), along with other international agencies, grant "microcredit" to Latin American countries who want to help Haiti.
During the press conference, the Ayacucho Hall of the Palace of Miraflores was dimly lit for less than a minute due to a power failure.
He ruled out increasing the price of gasoline
The rising price of gasoline in Venezuela "is not on the agenda" of the government, President Hugo Chávez said, dismissing rumors about the increase of fuel.
"The issue of petrol, that's a lie. I do not know how many times have denounced it. Do not even have that on my agenda, so you can deny it. I do not know where will it," Chavez said at a news conference on efforts .. generating rumors, fears, "he added.

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