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Expropriations and controls surround the private activity

For Chávez the companies that break laws will be taken by the State

The socialism is sustained in the expropriations and for that reason it has the control of cementeras, iron and steel and companies of foods (File)

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The exhibition of reasons for the project of constitutional reform that Hugo Chavez in 2007 raised said that “the character of the revolutions has to do with a substantive modification of the production relations”, and although the change to the Magna Carta was rejected, its content is being executed with the advance of the socialist productive model.

In order to obtain the control of production means, the Government has constructed a wall the prevailed ones that he narrows himself more and more. The circle began with the legal controls of prices and change, exigencies and the controls, and it is closing with the unequal competition and the majors expropriation threats.

This weekend, Chávez said that the State will have the dominion of the network of Each and it realised it to the announcement when was inaugurated the Supermarket Bicentennial, old Success, which already had been expropriated. In that frame, it expressed that the State will continue occupying spaces and that the taken property will happen at the hands of the working class and of the communities.

The agent chief executive remembered the mayors to him and governors whom they have faculties to expropriate and indicated the deputies to him who prepare legal reforms.

With the modification of the Law of the Indepabis either an express route to expropriate any or or service must, so that the adjustments in the Law of Expropriations and the Code of Commerce, besides the Law of Regulation of the Gains, the Law of the Economic Activity, the Anti-trust Law and the Law of Social Property need. All has like aim: to regulate the private activity.

After the great ones

In the speech realised in the supermarket, Chávez declared that one company that breaks the laws will be expropriated, and made differences between the great industry and the small one.

“To small (industralist) would call I it if she is breaking the Law, I give chance him, if she backslides is found by a month and if there is no adjustment occurs (the property) to the community. To the great one chance cannot be given him, expropriation compadre, I I do not have problem in that”.

In the message before the Parliament, already Chávez it had indicated that “the small property exists efficient productive. We are not enemy of that deprived property, but it is necessary to bind it with the social property”.

To the moments the transition to the socialism has been reached more by means of the taking of industries, that by the construction of a weave of companies of social production.

In one first stage they were considered to the services as strategic areas and it justified the control in telecommunications, electricity and petroleum. By such reason they nationalized Cantv, electrical and the companies of Faja. But soon the food construction, iron and steel industry, bank, industry and the commerce were fundamental. It implied the taking of the cementeras Lafarge, Holcim and Cemex, Sidor and the Bank of Venezuela.

In foods 559 fundos and 12 agro-industrys are had, but for the Government more networks are required, and that implies the closing of the spaces,

In Barquisimeto, Chávez suggested to read to Lenin, that in the book the State and the Revolution, expressed that “in the final stage of the Comunism, the Socialists demand the most rigorous control on the part of the society and the State on the measurement of work and the measurement of consumption, but the control must begin with the expropriation of the capitalists”.

Action in recession

When the expropriations were realised in 2007 and 2008 there was a boom of income and the economic activity grew, but in 2010 the occupations are framed in a phase of recession.

The 2009 finished with a contraction of the economy of 2.9% and in that context, two of the fundamental activities as the manufacture and the commerce registered falls of 7.2% and 8.2%, respectively.

That tendency has not been reverted in 2010. The year one electrical crisis began with a devaluation of 60% and that are affecting the production.

The Government from January is imposing more rules and competing with advantage against the private ones. The public sector matters to a parity of 2.60 bolivars, whereas the companies must buy consumptions to 2.60 and 4.30 bolivars. Before the difference, the Government has indicated the prevailed ones that if wants to benefit from the regime for the public sector, they must matter altogether with the State, but in this way he imposes the mixed property, that is the previous phase to the social property.

Mayela Arms H.

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