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SMEs receive very small payments of Sidor and FMO
Friday, 18 of December of 2009

The Enterprise Alliance indicated a great preoccupation by the state of insolvency of the basic companies, because only Sidor and Ferrominera Orinoco have realised payments from 10 to 25% of the amount of the debts to some suppliers. Beyond that, the absence of viability indications worries to them to the industrial cameras about the state ones, whose negative results “do not have possibility of reverting themselves”. The dilatoriness situation that comes accompanied from constant promises failed to fulfill on the part of the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam).

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Photo Aníbal Barreto

The Enterprise Alliance asks to review the macroeconomic frame that as much it affects the productive apparatus
Beyond the millionaire debts that the state companies have with the small and medians industries of Guayana, the Enterprise Alliance considers that it is necessary to watch with attention the present of the industries of the iron, aluminum and the steel to discover the null viability of a system that survives thanks to the injection of governmental resources and with the sale of raw materials future.

In a realised press conference east Thursday, the representatives of the Enterprise Alliance indicated that the promises of payment to the debts that the dependent companies of the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam) maintain with the SMEs were failed to fulfill.

The first commitment was assumed by the holder of the Mibam, Rodolfo Sanz, the past 4 of December when in press conference it indicated that its office honored the payments to the cooperatives and “probably the next week we destine resources for the payment of suppliers that require those resources as well to cancel their workers”.

A day before, 3 Thursday the holder of Fedeindustria at national level, Miguel Perez Abbot, met with minister Sanz in Guayana City, that spoke on the availability of resources to fulfill the payment to the suppliers.

Until now, only precise cases in Sidor and Ferrominera have been taken care of in percentage that go from 10% to 25%, indicated the Enterprise Alliance.

“This reality asphyxia to the suppliers of goods and services, that are disabled to honor their labor commitments. The possibility of acquiring the utilities and vacations of our 40 thousand workers is in picota”, indicated in a press conference, in which Fernando Goyenechea, president of the Camera of Industrialists and Mineros of Guayana were present; Humberto Postiglione, to title of the Association of Metallurgical Industrialists and Mining of Venezuela, Guayana chapter; Manuel Márquez, president of Fedeindustria Bolivar Asopemia; Pedro Lacure, of the network of small companies of Guayana; Jose Alfredo Olivo, of Asocomercio San Felix and the industralist Nancy Go'mez.

“Mortgage of the future”
The members of the Enterprise Alliance agree in which in spite of the millionaire debts, “the analysis must be oriented towards the viability of Guayana”, because “there is no indication that allows to bet by the viability of an economic system, that today stays at the expense of the injection of resources from the Central Government or by the sale of raw materials to future”.

The league of industrialists considers that “the basic needs of the dependent industries of Mibam, have come taking care of by means of a mortgage from the future, in the understood one that the basic accounts (entrance-debits), that today presents/displays seriously negative balance, do not have possibility of reverting themselves”.

In his opinion, the explanations sustained in world-wide the economic crisis with which the argument of the low productivity of the companies of Guayana was supported “toned down”, considering that “the iron aluminum, mineral and the steel already reached levels of end of the 2007 and they stay over the historical averages that they allowed successfully to conceive, to construct and to operate the industrial complex major of Venezuela”.

Revision to the inclusion
In that sense, from the Enterprise Alliance of Guayana they demand a deep revision of four fundamental elements.

First of all, they indicate, the National Government must decide if in its program of national development “the private initiative and of being has been contemplated thus, to announce with clarity its vision for a sector that almost uses 70% of the formal manpower of the country”.

Secondly, the industrialists maintain that it is precise to modify the present vision, “guaranteeing legal security that she harnesses national and foreign investments, especially in a period in which the state bottoms shine exhausted and only governmental attempts by the route of the indebtedness are carried out”.

They consider that the expropriations would have to constitute the exception to the rule and “not a regular practice of government, and much less the threats to the private investment. The national public administration must be put under the contentious routes, which must be let in freedom manage the Constitution and the Laws. The exacerbated bureaucracy asphyxia and acquittal efficiency to any type of productive action (state or prevailed)”.

Macroeconomic frame

The industrialists ask for the revision of the macroeconomic frame of the country and very especially the exchange regime that reduces competitiveness to the Venezuelan exports that have fallen considerably in the last months.

“The system of exchange anchorage has turned to Venezuela in one of the most expensive countries of the world. The dramatic reduction of the nontraditional exports, indicates the loss of competitiveness of national products. On the other hand, the excessive increase of the imports ratifies that everything is more cheap outside”, warn.

The Enterprise Alliance considers the arsonist speech that make responsible managers and proprietors of all the evils that affect to the working-class, as well as a irrazonable labor unremovability, does more and more difficult to maintain the harmony required between employers and employees.

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