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Bison Gold Resources Inc. Exploration Update: Drilling Commences. Review of Recent Exploration Reveals Strong Similarities to Nearby San Gold Corp. and Osisko Mining Corp. Hammond Reef Project
MarketwirePress Release: Bison Gold Resources Inc. – 23 hours ago

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* Bison Gold Resources, Inc.

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TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire -01/09/12)- Bison Gold Resources Inc. ("Bison Gold" or the "Company") (TSX-V: BGE.V - News) is pleased to announce the commencement of a 15,000 metre diamond drilling program on the Central Manitoba Property. The drilling program will focus on an identified high grade corridor in the immediate vicinity of the past-producing Ogama Mine as well as evaluating the potential that the Property could host Osisko Mining Corp. (TSX: OSK.TO - News) "Hammond Reef" bulk tonnage gold mineralization. Results from the past years diamond drilling have been compiled with the past two years worth of surface exploration (geological mapping, lithogeochemical sampling, channel and trench sampling). Interpretation of the results indicates that the Ogama zone and the new HW Zones occur within a much larger gold-mineralized structural corridor. This drilling campaign will, in part, attempt to outline the limits of this corridor as well as define the high grade 'core' centred in the vicinity of the Ogama mine.

Over the past two years, Bison has collected and analyzed 8,417 drill core samples from 32 diamond drill holes and 1,733 grab, chip and channel samples from the Project area. The following tables re-state the highlights from the past two years drilling and surface exploration.

Table 1. Drill Intersect Highlights from Bison's Drilling 2009-2011. Refer to press releases dated July 7 and August 17, 2010; and February 11, February 24, May 30, July 8, August 24 and December 15, 2011.

-- OG-09-01, intersecting 36.54 g/tonne over 1.92 metres at a depth of 391
-- OG-09-02, intersecting 21.00 g/tonne over 1.35 metres at a depth of 154
-- OG-09-02, intersecting 26.48 g/tonne over 1.25 metres at a depth of 264
-- OG-09-07, intersecting 34.99 g/tonne over 4.73 metres at a depth of 400
-- OG-10-04, intersecting 37.10 g/tonne over 2.46 metres at a depth of 342
-- OG-10-04, intersecting 27.30 g/tonne over 0.87 metres at a depth of 169
-- OG-10-05, intersecting 5.30 g/tonne over 25.64 metres at a depth of 412
-- OG-11-04, intersecting 2.15 g/tonne over 16.40 metres at a depth of 362
-- OG-11-07, intersecting 15.14 g/tonne over 1.85 metres at a depth of 349
-- OG-11-08, intersecting 206.0 g/tonne over 1.90 metres at a depth of 52
-- OG-11-09, intersecting 96.47 g/tonne over 3.82 metres at a depth of 310
-- OG-11-09, intersecting 15.56 g/tonne over 2.30 metres at a depth of 153
-- OG-11-12, intersecting 0.20 g/tonne over 66.32 metres at a depth of 402
-- OG-11-12, intersecting 25.60 g/tonne over 2.25 metres at a depth of 24
-- OG-11-13, intersecting 37.61 g/tonne over 2.82 metres at a depth of 343
-- OG-11-14, intersecting 19.86 g/tonne over 4.05 metres at a depth of 171
-- OG-11-15, intersecting 1.02 g/tonne over 10.25 metres at a depth of 487
-- OG-11-19, intersecting 9.08 g/tonne over 1.22 metres at a depth of 29

Table 2. Chip sample composites from Bison's 2011 surface exploration channel sampling. Refer to press releases dated November 2 and December 15, 2011.

Channel Composite(i) UTM E UTM N Width (m) Au g/t
C-028 332028 5639538 1.09 19.25
C-024 332024 5639546 1.20 1.54
C-608 332608 5639603 1.30 2.29
C-755 332755 5639852 1.85 27.25
C-841 332841 5639524 0.90 26.18

(i) Chip composites within channel cut

Table 3. Highlights from lithogeochemical sampling (grab samples) from Bison's 2011 surface exploration program. Refer to the press release dated September 15, 2011.

Sample(i) UTM E UTM N Au g/t Zone
420416 332755 5639582 313.4 HW3
420708 332031 5639540 76.0 Ogama SW
420219 332265 5639412 64.4 Ogama S
420777 332404 5640421 58.0 Ogama N
420383 332034 5639537 39.1 Ogama SW
420727 331780 5640052 30.4 Rockland W
420404 332681 5639534 22.7 HW2
420536 332251 5639579 16.9 Ogama SW
420436 332786 5639563 11.6 HW3
420403 332681 5639534 10.5 HW2

(i) Grab Samples

"The results speak for themselves. Numerous and impressive high-grade gold mineralization is being discovered at less than 500 meters depth at the former past producing Ogama Mine site. These results are comparable to some of the best gold discoveries made in Rice Lake, Manitoba at similar grade, width and depth." said Lucas Ewart, President and CEO of Bison Gold, referring to neighboring Gold producer, San Gold Corp. (TSX: SGR.TO - News).

The Ogama Mine was nearly written off years ago after the initial exploration program conducted in Central Manitoba was focused almost entirely on the more eastwardly past producing Central Manitoba mineshafts. Only 3 holes, were drilled to a depth of 400 meters at the Ogama Mine, it was on the last hole a bonanza strike of 35 g/t over 4.73 meters was initially discovered.

"35 g/t over 4.73 meters, took a lot of people by surprise. The discovery was made only 90 meters below where the historical Ogama Mine workings had ended." said Amir Mousavi, Bison Gold's VP Corporate Development and Chief Financial Officer. "The Ogama mine produced 40,000 oz Au between 1925-1940, 1948-1951 and at higher head grades (12 g/t Au) than that of the more prominent San Antonio Mine (10 g/t Au) at the time". The San Antonio mine produced 1.2 million oz Au between 1925-1940 at grades of 10 g/t Au. Today, the San Antonio mine is better known as the San Gold Corp (TSX: SGR.TO - News) Rice Lake Gold Mines, an evolving gold producer located only 26 km north/west of Bison Gold's Rice Lake Central Manitoba Property claims, connected by an all weather provincial road.

Bison Gold's Rice Lake property includes 8 past producing mines and mine shafts that were optioned to Placer Dome in 2003. Placer Dome had a corporate mandate to discover a minimum 10 g/t Au over 3 meters, which failed to be achieved after a short drilling program in 2004. "Exploring for gold in Manitoba requires experience, patience, ambition and a lot of luck, something Bison Gold's exploration team has no shortage of," said Mr. Mousavi. "Placer Dome's decision to drop the program inevitably changed the future of Rice Lake. They were only a few short meters away from discovering bonanza Gold grades. Had they discovered what we are today, Rice Lake would have looked more like Red Lake and home to some world-class gold producers."

The Rice Lake mining camp lies approximately 100 km west of Red Lake's mining camp. Both mining camps are within the Uchi Subprovince of the Canadian Shield, a geologic terrane that spans beyond the two distinct gold mining camps and hosts numerous precious and base metal deposits.

"The style and structural pattern of the Gold mineralization on Bison's Property is very similar to that of the San Gold's Main Mine and newly discovered deposits," said Scott Snider, Bison's Exploration Manager. Mr. Snider worked as an Exploration Geologist for San Gold prior to coming to Bison.

Nearby San Gold Corp. (TSX: SGR.TO - News) recently published Gold assays of comparable grade, width and at similar depth as those discovered during Bison Gold's 2010-2011 drilling program (refer to SGR News Release on December 20, 2011). Albeit there is no certainty further exploration will define a gold deposit of the size and grade of the San Gold deposits.

The figure below is a comparison between San Gold's published results from December 20, 2011 and the re-stated drilling results from Bison's 2009-2011 drilling program.

To view the image associated with this press release, please visit the following link:

More specifically results obtained from the 2011drilling program at the Ogama Mine demonstrate consistent grades, widths and depth throughout that are comparable San Gold's 007 Zone drill holes:

Table 5. Drill Intersect Highlights from San Gold's 2011 drilling results from the 007. Refer to San Gold's press release dated December 20, 2011.

-- S922-11-036, intersecting 23.2 g/tonne over 11.5 metres at a depth of
362 metres
-- S922-11-013, intersecting 110.1 g/tonne over 2.1 metres at a depth of
330 metres
-- S922-11-049, intersecting 44.2 g/tonne over 4.3 metres at a depth of 348
-- S922-11-089, intersecting 63.0 g/tonne over 2.8 metres at a depth of 362
-- S922-11-091, intersecting 21.7 g/tonne over 7.4 metres at a depth of 362
-- S915-11-003, intersecting 11.8 g/tonne over 12.3 metres at a depth of
396 metres
-- S915-11-024, intersecting 60.7 g/tonne over 3.0 metres at a depth of 275
-- S915-11-045, intersecting 45.6 g/tonne over 4.3 metres at a depth of 291
-- S915-11-084, intersecting 17.4 g/tonne over 9.4 metres at a depth of 269
-- S915-11-106, intersecting 18.1 g/tonne over 3.2 metres at a depth of 358

"We are very pleased for our neighbors " said Mr. Ewart, referring to San Gold's recent news release. "The Rice Lake belt remains one of Canada's best kept secrets, and San Gold has done a excellent job of achieving several milestones in the last year that is finally bringing recognition to the belt".

About Bison Gold

Bison Gold is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. Bison Gold is focused on gold, base metal and rare element exploration with property assets in Manitoba, Canada. Bison Gold's land holdings have historically produced in excess of 200,000 ounces of gold. Further details can be found on Bison Gold's website at

We seek safe harbour. This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding the timing and content of upcoming programs and may be subject to regulatory approval. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Bison Gold Resources Inc.
Mr. Lucas Ewart
President & CEO
(416) 488-2590

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