Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Well, after 6+ years I've finally pulled the plug and am moving on to other investments.

I never imagined getting out at only 2 cents above a 5 year low (really kicking myself for not getting out in the 20's a couple weeks ago or even the mid teens last week), but I've learned a lot of lessons. Thankfully this isn't going to affect my life in a significant way regardless. There are much more important things in life than money, and I feel blessed with a great wife and kids and a stable job to provide for them.

Although the losses I have locked in are significant, I really do feel good about it. I've been unhappy with the direction of the company for years, and long felt our CEO was incompetent - but I made the mistake of holding on even though I was unhappy so my losses wouldn't be crystalized. Its acceptance now and a weight is lifted off my shoulders.

I do think we are near bottom in the macro sense, maybe even already moving back up again. I see money to be made other places too, so might as well be invested where I can agree with where they are going.

Now that I'm divested I'm sure your investments will take off.

I do hope all of you see a very positive conclusion going forward and really DO wish you all the best for the future.

Anyone who cares to do so can see 21k @ RBC sold this morning - most @ .13, some stragglers at 12.5.

See? I was a shareholder all along - what a shock?!?! Not a paid basher or working for those shadowy MMs...

You won't see me around here after today, and if I could leave anything with you I would just say be careful to not get caught up in groupthink. Take things for what they are and don't try to twist them into what you want them to be... ...and maybe don't let Foxy keep coming back over and over again? Its getting a bit silly ;)

Sorry to those I have annoyed in the past, that really wasn't the goal and to the rest its been nice getting to know you over the years. There are a LOT of good people here.

Prospekt, I think I learned the most from you, a very analytical and reasoned thinker, and never seemed to get caught up in the emotion of the ups and downs here. Thanks for sharing your knowlegde with the board.

Best regards,


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Copper Fox Metals Inc.
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