Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to sibiu's message

Basically, hoghead, you are telling us you have no idea what VD is worth? If that is true, then how can you disagree with other valuations posted here? Based on what? The VD purchase price? Are you kidding?

How about SC? How much is our 25% potentially worth in your opinion? If you answer you do not know, then why bother holding CUU shares in a stock you have no idea how much it could be worth?

Again, you write a lot but without anything of substance that could be the start of any useful discussion.


All pretty loaded questions, Sibiu.

Are you asking valuations right now or in a recovered market?

Well, the market right now is one of the worst in ages, and I think is something to be considered when coming up with a price. Base metals feeling a lot of pressure now that would be a positive effect later.

If you want my opinion (I can't back it up, I don't think anyone else can back up their's either) it would be as follows:

VD now with RE (no PEA) = $10 million
VD later after market recovers = $100+ million

VD now with PEA = $25 million
VD later after market recovers = $300+ million
VD later with PFS = $500 million
VD later with turn-key FS/permits = $1+ billion

SC 25% sell now (no production decison) = $75 million (but won't happen)
SC 25% after market recovers (no production decison) = $150 million (unlikely)
SC 25% with production decision = $800+ million (most likely)

So there you have it - my personal opinion not derived from any equation - just my take. I am not in the business of mining, so take it with a handful of salt. I do think SP and sales of comparibles are a consideration at very least on the purchaser's side. No purchaser will overpay unless there is a bidding war. Of course we don't know the results of the RE or upcoming PEA or possible PFS and the above is not something I can support - its my guess.

I may give this market and timing more of an effect that some would like, but thats what I think. I'm not forcing this on you or anyone else. This is why I would like to see a more patient approach. As you can see, I would like to have as big of a piece of the pie when SC pays.

Your mileage may vary and that's fine. I'm not discouraging you from posting - but don't take questions personally - they are just questions.

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