Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to hoghead's message

FS was never delivered--OMG, enough already with the "feasibility notice." There is no such document! This is not a fact. Read the contract. The "feasibility notice" is just the term used in the contract for the combination of the positive feasibility study and the list of expenses. Together they form the "feasibility notice." That's the way contracts are written. A term is introduced so that they don't have to write out all the details all the way throughout the contract. In the same way that "Copper Fox Metals Inc. (the Company)" is first written and thereafter referred to as "the Company."

Hire a lawyer, show them the contract, and put the issue to bed if you don't believe what the company has told you. I've read enough contracts over the years and they are all written this way.

We were never going to own 100% completely. We would have earned 100% with Teck having the right to earn-back 75%. We could never have sold it, or the Liard shares. We didn't have the right to make a production decision. We couldn't have borrowed money against it or done anything with the property that normally comes with full ownership.

Elmer lied to me--Just saying over and over and over again that Elmer lied is not proof. What was the lie exactly? Does anyone remember? I think I do. It was the old "you won't believe the numbers" comment. Well, if that was truly what he said, he said it before the FS numbers were known. So he couldn't have meant those. What he was talking about were the numbers going into the capex. Those were actually pretty good when the FS finally did come out.

What is lying is repeating over and over the same stuff until it becomes legend.

There was no fog--Only one person talks about the fog. I've never heard that excuse for pulling out the drilling. If I can't verify it then I don't believe it. I don't know if it was said, but I do know that other words have been twisted and turned so much that it surprises me that anyone remembers what actually happened.

we put $80 million for $20 million only--A negative production decision is also a production decision so there would be another $20 million. We also still have 25% of SC and that was actually the point of the Salazar Agreeement, to end up with 25% ownership at least. We earned it by spending that $80 million.

Whether it's worthless or not, is another question, but that is the risk we took. Under Salazar we never would have had that $20 million. Even so, when everyone placed their bets on this stock we were hoping for the 25% ownership at least. We got it. Ta Da.

Repeating the same half-truths over and over again is not good DD. If you doubt anything then check it yourself. I don't believe anything that I can't verify.

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