Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to Linsickel's message

Linsickel, that was a good response, and I did lump you in with others without justification. Sorry about that.


I am and was not pretending everything went right, I was simply addressing the very incorrect statements that were made more than one time now and corrected. You also don't think I have a problem with the current share price, I assure you, that is far from right. However I won't let blantantly wrong statements like i responded to go without something.

Fair enough, that is what we should all here for.


I guess you are correct, we did earn 100% of SC, but with some sort of back in agreement. You mistake my comment for forgetting, maybe it was a large blunder by Elmer, maybe it wasn't. I can't say I know the exact legal situations regarding the agreement or the talks regarding the formation of the JV. Either way, to say we spent ~80 million for ~24 million, is massivly incorrect as we now own 25% of a massive resource with financing in place. Definitely a lot more than the cash, if you can't see that or decide to state the same thing multiple times over while being corrected, well you are not a smart man or you are a basher. Now I hope its obvious, but I am not refering to you and to who the previous post was on.

I made an asumption your post was directed at me.

Let me say though that I am sure that the poster in question is not a basher, rather someone who is fed up with where his sizable investment has gone. If I had talked face to face with a company representative and got a less than honest answer that I based an investment decision on I would be fuming too.

I think if you can look at it this way, you may understand the other point of view:

I think we can all agree on this: We did spend 80 million, we fully earned 100% of the property, all Tecks Liard Shares, retained the port, external properties and a connection to the NTL - I think we can all agree there is a LOT OF VALUE there. When we factor in that FS optimizations and proving up the waste can have a further massive impact on the value of the property (which for the sake of argument - we DID earn.)

The Salazar Agreement called for massive commitments of cash (that we were in charge of spending as we were the operator until Teck finished earning back in). About 320 million in upgrades to the property - another value added, and no one is going to spend that kind of cash and not develop it so we would have enjoyed some comfort that this was going to happen quickly.

The company decided to forego the agreement, and allowed Teck to become the operator and owner of everything, plus Teck could keep all the Liard shares (so they were the majority shareholder - and could do whatever they wanted with impunity). Our negotiated JV gave us only 24 million for all that.

Yes, we would get other benefits like financing and further cash payments, but ONLY AFTER a production decision. If they decide to shelve us for now, the 24 million is ALL WE GET. We have given up all control of the project and ownership for only 24 million. Tecks official guidance is that we are a ways down the pipe. We are not even on their copper section of their website. Could this be smoke and mirrors - hell yes! Can we count on that as a given...

Now I DO understand your point that you believe that it is highly unlikely that Teck wont proceed immediately. I fully agree with you that we are home free with a production decision and good times will be here. If we didnt get a fair buyout offer, ride it to production and collect our 25%. The financing is huge too. SP has to go up many multiples with this scenario. This is my hope and why I havent sold my shares.

BUT I ask you, why wouldnt they wait a while and develop it later after we are starved out of business (why I think we should have conserved to ride it out). They can see whats happening with our SP, just wait and save hundreds of millions. They didnt get where they are without being savy businessmen. These types of scenarios do happen.

It is this exact reason that some of us are upset with the way this went and some have called foul. Can you blame anyone for feeling we are completely unprotected and sold out... I sure cant, I am with them. And when we seem to be burning through our cash (Im talking losing our ability to wait this out long term, not a year) it is a big concern to me personally. That cash was our one protection, or at least allow us to wait it out long term.

Im not saying this will happen, but it is a risk - can we agree on that.

Already we have seen possible need of financing and loss of NTL connection statements added to the cautionary statements of the Aug NR. This has set off alarm bells for me as the (possible) need for financing (and the likely reverse split that would accompany it) or the loss of NTL connection would be the end of us retail shareholders.

There is nothing we can do about it now - but I think it was a huge mistake to not just keep 100% and all Tecks Liard shares and go it on our own. I think Teck would have said uncle and given us what we earned or we could have optioned off part of our property to a major to take this to the next step.


"Well, the Salazar for one, missing every single self imposed deadline by a wide margin could be another. Many more listed previously"

Once again, I am not really sure how this relates to what I had said. In regards to the PFS, there is no other documents that could be placed instead of the PFS until the release of the FS. That was the study and those were the results, I can't think of any reason why that would't be on the website or CUU material. Or are you trying to say we should have removed the PFS and put that we missed deadlines? Point is, it's far from the first time this person has went on about this, when its exactly what every single company would do as it was the only results they had at the time that can be displayed in such manor.

Well I guess as a shareholder I expected some guidance along the way. If deadlines were not going to be met of the FS was going to fall far short of expectations they could have softened the blow by providing guidance. Better than dropping a bomb with no indication it was going to be anything less than negative copper. Did they have a responsibility to their shareholders to not blindside them. Im no expert on this though, but I think so...


The same could be said of the constant harping that all is well, we couldnt be in better shape and it is unthinkable that anything could go wrong (thats where the past performance history comes in).

The constant conspiracy theories that long time investors are now working for some shadowy organization to steal away our shares or short the stock is laughable in my opinion. Dont be afraid of some of the risks put forward - why not try and de-risk them and we may all feel better about our predicament? Im just sayin..."

Well once again, Not sure how that all related to what I said. I sure do not constantly go on about theorys or that everything is all right and this is done deal. So please don't bundle me up with others. I just had to correct someone on something for what I believe is the third time now.

Sorry, I really should have qualified that statement - it was directed at our resident conspiracy theorists. Definately not you. I have never heard anything like that in any of your posts. You are a respected poster and didnt mean to lump you in there.

I hope I have explained why I feel the way I do. Your opinion is perfectly valid too. I just wanted you to understand what I am thinking. I could be way off base on all of it...

Have a good night.

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