Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Dear Copper Fox Forum Members,

In an effort to restore order on the Copper Fox Forum, we have implemented the following rules:

  1. If your post contains reference to another member, it will be deleted.
  2. If your post is not directly related to Copper Fox, it will be deleted.

Kind Regards,


I had posted this story on the other site.

I should explain my intentions first before this statement gets banned or me aswell. I never post on SH for well over a year. Did not want to get caught up in the drama.

I did read it thou...... Once a few of our respected hub leaders were being branded as "bashers" I felt the need to say something instead of just sitting by and watching.

Then I became branded as a "basher and multiple id`s"

Now the rumor is , these 2 rules were created because of me?

I will explain why these rules do not work and more reading of posts and understanding "should" be applied to determin if the said post is from a basher.

Before the BFS came out....the values of the silver content was originally was not in the BFS.

I had argued the point till I was blue.

My view was simple....The BFS was the "most important paper CUU would produce". This was the statement from Elmer Stewart himself.

My point was, how can the BFS be complete if the silver is not included in the BFS?

Many said adding the values of the pounds of silver won`t do much for the BFS....that it would take too much time to add them. I was also told that I was clogging the board.

AND their it is. If these rules would have been put in place then, I surely would have had many violations ...possibly even been banned.

Yet I still agued the fact that how can the BFS, which is going to be the "most important paper CUU has wrote" be complete without the silver value reguardless how much there is. To be complete all values of "(everything)" must be viewed.

The posters kept on does not matter....the quicker we hand Teck the BFS the quicker they get on the clock!

Then low and behold, Elmer came out with the NR that the BFS will be delaid because the silver must be added...maybe it was just an oversite...dont know.

THe point still being.....It turned out that I was right.....if these rules were put in place then. I would have been banned.

Sometimes too many rules are bad and the hub leaders thus far IMHO have done a fair job.

Maybe it might be time for Administration to check out to see who has been posting the violations and see how they contribute to this form. To see if the request to pull a post is even warrented.

Why would it bother this Adiministration what is posted on other forms.( by the way that was a question?)

I know that in the past "bashers" have showed up. But they were dealt with. I think the hub leaders did a good job too by the way.

I dont know, maybe we need to be a little more thicker skinned?

Anyone want to chim in on this....I would love to hear what others think.

P.S. In no way was I singeling out anyone....or disrespecting a matter of fact. I singled myself out.

I hope this does not get pulled as a violation.

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