Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to deeppocket83's message

Apologies for the late response. I am no longer invested in this company so I do not read these boards as often as I use to. I should clarify that I am aninvestor. Not aCUU groupie. What this means is that I base my investment decisions off of sound logic and not some unsubstantiated hope that some people have on this board.

I've reiterated that I believe CUU has a large upswing potential for all the aforementioned reasons on this board, but for me the time is not right. I've made this statement when I sold my shares in July and I have been right.. Within those ~3 months I've made large gains in other investments. If I had just held my CUU shares like many of you suggested, I would not have seen any gain in my investment.

The reason why I still read this board, however, is because there is a lot of knowledge and information here. I stay semi-plugged into the CUU story because I want to make sure that, when this upswing happens (not talking about day-to-day trading, but when a substantial NR is released) I am here for the ride. Sure, by not having my money in at these 52-week lows I will miss out on some of the gain. But that's the price I'm willing to pay because I'm fairly confident that what I've gained from my other investments more than makes up for it.

Now, to get back to that comment. I spoke up because Stroef was putting down another forum member by calling him an inexperienced investor with completely faulty reasoning. Here was his opening line:

"You are probably an inexperienced investor. The price is clearly not representing the value of this company since its exactly the same company fundamentally compared to when it was worth 2,75 in 2011."

This is probably the most BS statement I have read in this forum. Things have most certainly changed since 2011 (for better and for worse) and if you don't believe that you are beyond hope. The point of my statement was to highlight just some of the things that have changed. DeepPocket you incorrectly assumed that what I was trying to highlight were negative aspects of the company. Perhaps I should have stated it like this.

Good things that have changed since 2011: Teck backing in, legitimizes CUU

Bad things that have changed since 2011: Pre-BFS and BFS discrepancies (i.e. the negative cost ordeal). IMO THIS + poor economics is what drove our SP down.

Things that have changed that are neither good nor bad, but do affect the way the company is run: management change, arizona

But by all means, this company is not the same as it was in 2011. There, happy?

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