Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Email to Mr. Smith the day of the conference call:

Dear Mr. Smith, I have just listened to the conference call and I am disappointed in the way it was delivered. During Mr. Stewart’s monologue I watched the share price drop from 80 cents to 66 cents. Clearly the marketplace is not impressed with either the news or in Mr. Stewart’s delivery which was just a word for word repeat of the news release we’d all read for ourselves. I am sorry to say that this also happened during the last conference call; the share price dropped as we listened. It’s time you were all told you are terrible at news releases and/or conference calls, absolutely terrible. There are no redeeming qualities about either communicating media and you all need to upgrade your skills in this respect.

Honestly, this has been the most frustrating stock to own. Not only do we have to beg for news releases only to be repeatedly told everyone is in black out (approximately 20 months out of the last 24), but we’ve been told on numerous occasions that CUU was not interested in becoming a miner but would stay an explorer – only to find out now that CUU has, by default, become a miner, and that there is no point in putting CUU up for sale until the price of commodities improve or in a year or two when CUU's value has increased.

Mr. Stewart was quoted a number of times saying that if he were Teck he’d buy all of Schaft Creek. Why did Teck not buy CUU out? That would have been a great question to have answered by Mr. Stewart and even though I pressed *1 I did not get to ask the question.

Why did we have to hand over all of our lands to Teck? We got a pittance of $20 million with the other $40 million in milestone payments. No two ways about it, it feels as though Teck has given us the shaft. They are, and have been since February 4, the puppeteers and we are the puppets. The millions of tons of copper, gold, silver, moly etc., have vaporized away to no immediate value to us. Now we have to wait until CUU drills more holes on Teck’s timetable. Yes, the possibilities are there, they have been for five years and still we wait, but not so patiently anymore, because all we have now is a piece of paper saying we own 25% of Shaft Creek which may, or may not, become a mine depending upon Teck. You have given us nothing to base our hope that CUU will materialize into dollars for us. Half of my investment in CUU has gone and I wonder if it will ever come back.

We are back to playing the waiting game - I only hope I have the time to wait. MTS

====================== obviously I got no reply, nor did I expect one==================

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