Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
Re: ..
over 11 years ago
in response to Foxyroller's message

"With Teck out of the way, if that is their choice, it opens up opportunities the company and its investors have not seen in a long, long time for new partners, new financing and new coverage. The sky is the limit, in other words, without being shackled by the Teck decision. Don't doubt for a minute that others may be in fact be sitting on the sidelines, like us, just waiting for Teck to decide."

I differ from your opinion, Foxy. "The sky is the limit, ... without being shackled by the Teck decision... With Teck out of the way, it opens up opportunities the company and its investors have not seen in a long, long time ... Don't doubt for a minute that others may be in fact be sitting on the sidelines...".

If there are others sitting on the sidelines, CUU should be playing a stronger hand, abiding by the Option Agreement, requesting for the Liard shares, making NR's to its shareholders confirming 30 days review period ended; effective start date of 120 day clock. Forget this keeping things friendly bit because we have other fish ready to bite. Business is business. Why settle for a discounted sale price per Option Agreement if you have interested buyers willing to pay full price on the sidelines? We should be negotiating with confidence. CUU is in business to make money for themselves, EE and hopefully us too.

Right now, IMO, CUU is playing footsies with Teck, keeping things friendly, making new rules as we go along, ignoring the Option Agreement and the Liard shares. Keeping things low key. Not releasing pertinent information with NR like start date of 120 days to its shareholders. Why? This easy attitude toward Teck is making us look weak and desperate. That we can be manipulated. Teck is a successful company not because they are nice and friendly but because they are good negotiators who are shrewd.

IMO the very conservative PFS is a strategy by Teck to make us look less impressive and attractive to other majors, putting us in a desperate situation and more acceptable to a lower sale price because they know to bring the PFS to a more attractive position where other buyers would be interested, would now cost us more $$$, dilution and time, which is to their advantage. They already know realistically what is in the ground and its true worth, today.

I fully agree with Chappy that if Teck walks we are in trouble. Our stock price will plunge because due to the Option Agreement, Teck is the obvious choice for buying Schaft Creek. They get to buy SC for a great discounted price for the amount of minerals in the ground, plus port, lands, etc.

If I was an interested buyer on the sidelines, I would be shocked and take a triple take on why Teck walked away. Teck knows SC and the surrounding areas inside out and upside down. Teck who has seen the aerials, MIRA, had their people work with CUU on the PFS; had CUU hire Tetra Teck to do the PFS; who has been interested in SC for many years prior; who created the Option Agreement with Salazar; plus, plus, plus.

IMO, there is no way Teck not being in the picture is good for CUU's future for at least 2-3 years till new FS and PFS with more drilling and better results and numbers are proven. CUU's sp will be a joke and hurt many retail investors if this happens.

I hope Teck will buy us out 100% for cash so we can move on. If not, some %. But in no way - please don't walk away.


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