Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Now for those who think I have bad spelling...oh well.

I try to spend part of my time searching for information to bring to this board, also PM hub leaders for their thoughts as well, so here it goes. Now the conversation I going to be cut and paste. This was a converstation between myself and anouther person whom I would rather not say as of right now but this person is a member of this board.

WOW...just spoke with Joanie Anderson,,,,,I played really stupid. They could not understand why I am phoning them?
I said, I didnt think I was, I phoned Laird...and gave them the She told me well thats our (TECK) address. She asked me where I got that from and I told her just do a google search on Laird copper and that is the number and address that comes up.
So I went on to say that im intereseted to know if the Laird shares were transfered because Copper Fox had delivered the "possitive FS" and she said ya ya ,,, as in yup your right.Then she said will just one minute I`ll ask someone...she wasnt gone long...under a minute...then she said, your going to have to dirrect your questions to Copper Fox.
I told her well Copper Fox owns Laird shares and so does Teck but this number suppose to be Lairds, but I got Teck...I said "Joanie did Teck buyout Laird?" she said you`ll have to ask Copper Fox.
As we were talking I had mentioned that were dealing with a huge resource and she giggled and said "oh ya"...I said a mine that could go on for unknown decades....she once again giggled and said "ya , but your going to have to ask Copper Fox"

That was pretty much the coversation....didnt help that much. other than Lairds phone number and address is Teck`s? if you can take anything from that.

This was the first phone call coversation with Teck, Then I phoned Copper Fox. Keep in mind these conversations were cut and pasted from PM`ing a board member...heres Copper foxes converasation.

HAHA....well now it gets better. I just spoke with Lynn (copper fox) and explained things to Lynn, Thinking that she might transfer me to Elmer...didn`t happen.
She explained to me that Teck owns like 78% and Laird does not have the money to afford an office they use Teck.
The thing that struck me the best was Joanie and Lynn had both agreed, but mostly Joanie,,,they said that we are dealing with a BIG resource here...its going to take time.
Lynn on the other hand, said the same thing but then I went further to does this process happen? She told me that the PFS gets dropped off the Teck, then it should have went to the Copper division of Teck. Once the geo`s were done with would then head off to the legal dept. of Teck.
I asked Lynn, well I know about the 120 day thingy....I would think that Elmer and Ernesto would give Teck some more time because it is 10,000 pages or so...Lynn said she thinks that Im right but not much more their you have it.
I hope this helps.

Now the most important thing that I can stress, I phoned and googled ....I google many things to try to dig up something.

If I can suggest to the same. make some calls google..find something out if you can.

I took away from the conversations today...Elemr has his hands tied, he has nothing to tell us. Teck has not gave him an answer but yet we know that Teck must have excepted the PFS,,,otherwise why would Teck purchase more land and if this was not a good for Teck....they would have gave us an answer and walked long ago.

Now Elmer has spoke with Teck....just questions about the PFS "as I understand it". So this is what might be confusing to some when we here that Elmer is in talks with Teck, I now also understand why he went on vacation...because he knew that Teck is going to take time to read the 10,000 pages not once but many times Geo`s Lawyers etc...

As for our SP...I spoke to Lynn about this and she can`t figure why we are dropping either...Lynn said look at Tecks SP, they are dropping aswell....I told Lynn, "and that was on good news cause Teck got re-rated to BBB status" so go figure.

Anyways thats it...sorry for it being so long but it is what it is.

Dogger "out " till next time.

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