Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Back in January, I posted some good things and bad things that management could do going forward (link here). Unfortunately, management went 3/3 on the things that I wanted them to avoid. I thought I'd create an updated list so that people know what I'm going to be looking for. I'll be sending this list to management as well (too bad they are all on holidays).

Good Actions

1. Start the clock. Put out a press release announcing when Teck received the Feasibility Notice and when Teck needs to make their final decision. If Teck demands more time for review, Copper Fox can always announce an extension on the timeframe.

2. Confirm the feasibility has been approved by Teck as bankable. It's ridiculous that management can't even confirm that we satisfied our end of the Option Agreement. Having clauses on our news releases that state that Copper Fox is assuming "the acceptance by Teck of the positive Feasibility Study as a "Positive Bankable Feasibility Study" is incredibly amateur. Stop with the legal weasel clauses and start with some hard facts.

3. Announce a month when the EAA will be submitted. Stating "as early as Q3 2013" is about as definitive as "mid to late summer". Let's start putting some dates to our development so people know we are serious about moving the project forward. If we need to hire additional people to hit those dates then let's do that.

Bad Actions

1. Dilution. Cut it out with the ridiculous dilution. No more low priced financings, warrant extensions, option extensions, and option granting. If CUU truly feels 0.80 is a low share price then they need to stop giving away shares at this price.

2. Arizona. No one bought into Copper Fox because they were hoping to develop a property in Arizona. I will not be happy with any money spend on Arizona until we receive a payday for Schaft Creek.

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Copper Fox Metals Inc.
439.1 million FD shares
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