Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

All that really matters is do we make the cut or not. Based on our enviro progress and the election date it's close but I'm confident we will make it. The only real way they can nationalize us is to expand the park to engulf us. They could try a Glacier protection act or something crazy but that would take a bit too much time and they have to pay the full sunk costs. I do see heavier taxation coming and I'll wager that CUU and Teck are talking with them about what the project can support tax wise. At a certain point the tax burden will make other countries profitable over BC. I have no doubt the wanted tax burden will shut down the Golden Triangle. They will have to learn first hand from the miners what the balance sheets can actually afford. No miner is going to build something that is going to go broke just to support a government with a crack habit. I'm in favour of sharing the wealth but it has to be able to be adaped to changing times. It has to be reasonable too.

The Green Party want to have a set up that supports mining should things go bad globally. At the same time they want a fund paid for that looks after the mines when they are done. They want to tax but in balance with their three prong approach to mining, the environment and the people. The key here is balance. They are not going to use any dirty tricks and no decks will be built. Having talked to the others I am fairly sure this would be the better deal but like I said, it won't happen.

So it comes down to the Libs/Cons coalition and the NDP. None of this is good for investment in BC. At first it will appear great. But this will be a trick. When you see the ads about how good this place is to live and invest it will be time to run and run fast.

Just compare this to the last round of shale gas permits. Nadda, zip, bugger all was done with those. We sold them decades ago for pennies knowing what they'd be worth later. Now we've just done it again! And how much revenue has this delivered to the people? Ya, nadda, zip, ...

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