Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to JohnnyAugust's message

Thanks for the update JA. Just left the convention myself and had a very nice conversation with both MS and ES. Very nice gentleman and easy to talk with. I encourage anyone to talk with either one. Some additional details I will add here about what they said. Yes, they were hoping to deliver the final FS to Teck before the show but they are confident it will be delievered next week. I aslo asked MS whether they think Teck will drag out their decision to the full 120days and the consensus ( amoung themselves ) is probably not. Teck has a reputation of giving their answer within 30-60 days. ES also told me that Teck has everything and knows everything about the project so its not likely they would drag this out.

I aslo asked about the 171M of "waste" rock and what Teck knows about it. MS said that Teck was the one that drilled this area before the changes to the National Instrument rules came into affect. So because of drill spacing req. could not be met they could not technically classify this as an Indicated resource. But they know the grades are there and it would not take many drills holes to upgrade the resource. The depth of this resource was about 200M so it would only take 5-10 holes to upgrade it and costs less than 3M to drill this out. The important thing is Teck has all the data on it and knows its there.

We then talked about buyout value and how Majors like Teck would value our resource. ES handled this question and he told me the importance of the ROV method most companies are now using to value large deposits like ours. He gave me a good example of the Highland Valley mine Teck is still operating. If the discount method was used, it would have a zero value today after 20 years but obviously that is not real life as it is still producing and still has value. ES also mentioned that this model for value was based on several thousand real life cases and it would be the one Teck would use to value SC. As far as accepting a low ball offer, it ain't going to happen. He told me Mr. EE is a very smart businessman and will be squeezing every bit he can out of this. He also told me that as a director he does have obligations to all shareholders to do so.

Then we talked about what would happen if for some reason Teck decided to walk what would be our gameplan then. MS told me that they would get a partner to do a JV with them so they wouldn't have to dilute and raise any more money. They would control 100% of the project and could afford to give away 25% to do a good drill program to upgrade the 171M tons plus do an extensive exploration program on the untested areas. Then they would hire someone to market it for them to get it sold. Their ultimate goal is to sell the property at a fair value. I asked if the "partner" was another Major but he didn't say except for that this partner would have the muscle ( capital ) to be able to do a thorough drill program.

Well anyways, that was the extent of my conversation. I feel very good that something will happen within the next 2 months.

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