Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to Riptor's message

The official company line is that they wanted to try for 1 more hole on one of our more interesting spots but concluded that weather and cost could not justify it. If we are around next year then we'll poke a lot of holes. Yes, that sounds like a red herring to me.

This on again off again doesn't interest me so much as the company's finanacial info. I want to know where money went and how much so I can figure out where we are at. What did the snafu cost? How much do we owe on the final bill for the BFS? Why do we have such a big war chest? This last on leads me to think a couple of things but I lack a basic starting point do to financial blurr. Is the last increase for the applicable expenses the final numbers less the final bill for the BFS?

Looking at the Arizon costs and what I think we need for exploration for the winter I would expect about 12 million would do. Why fiddle fart around when it's clear that we are going to see more and more QE inflation. (This is why we buy hard assets like rental properties. They inflate faster than the interest on the cost of borrowing). Getting the money early and starting an agressive campaign in Arizona is the right thing to do. No half measures. Speaking of Arizona, we must be under the umbrella of BHP or the social risks woud have been a negative factor. Water will continue to be a sore point and it will only get worse. It's a desert after all. One good thing is that we will set a sterling example for how companies from Canada should operate and that will help win favour.

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