Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

The Main Zone is roughly circular in plan view. It lies immediately to the west of Snipe Lake in the saddle zone south of Mount LaCasse. The dominant host rocks of the Main Zone mineralization are andesitic to basaltic fragmental rocks of varying textures and degrees of sorting. These are crosscut by dike-like intrusive bodies. According to Cambria’s interpretation, the fragmental rocks form a ring-shaped, pipelike body with a steep plunge to the north-northwest. The recent re-interpretation suggests that the volcanic pyroclastic rocks, may in fact be hydrothermal breccias.

Is there any doubt now?

And more proof of the formation theory.

Retrograde propylitic alteration, resulting in the development of dark (iron rich? I say yes.) chlorite and locally strong epidote overprinting ... This alteration phase has also resulted in the remobilization of some considerable fraction of the sulfides into veins and fractures.

I like this part because it supports what I said 2 years ago about the movement. That suggests we will find a dislocated root.

In addition, the breccia zone appears to show local minor displacement along this trend, suggesting that motion along this fault trend was episodic over a period of time.

And then there's what Elmer doesn't want to talk about.

A well-defined, contiguous zone of breccias (West Breccia Zone and Paramount Zone) extends along the west margin of the Main Zone and to the north for a total length of at least 2.1 km. Geophysical mapping to the south of the Main Zone shows quite clearly that the breccia extends at least another 1.1 km to the south, for a total of at least 3.2 km. The breccia most likely extends even further to the south, but available data do not allow additional projections.

No talking about Mess Creek now ya hear. Well, I'm here to tell ya. That south end is a gravy train. We should hear more about it this year and it will set us up for more next year. By 2014 we should be right close to the prime Mess area where I think we'll hit big pay dirt. I think the area just to the southeast of the Jay claims is responcible for the Jay deposit.

Elmer siad it was becoming obvious that there were two events.

Although mineralization in the Main Zone and the West Breccia Zone is found in two generally spatially separate areas in the southern portion of the Schaft Creek deposit, the same cannot be said for mineralization found further to the north. There, most mineralization is hosted within structurally prepared and altered breccias, with a lesser amount of mineralization found in proximal volcanic units. It seems clear that mineralization at Schaft Creek can be readily described in terms of an earlier phase of mineralization in the Main Zone and a later phase of mineralization related to breccias and proximal volcanics found along the west margin of the Main Zone and extending to the north.

Important reading is 7.3.

8.2 they are fianly considering it as "polymetallic (copper-molybdenum-gold-silver), structurally controlled, low-sulphidation, hydrothermal replacement deposit” instead of calc-alkalic (insert eye roll here) The armchair guy says be bolder. Everything is leaning this way but I understand the body of proof must be substancial before they declare.

Remember the blob we dubbed Error Code 404 (page not found) Remember the nice results around it

The chargeability anomalies in the Mike Zone and the Paramount Zone appear to define a circular feature with a zero chargeability core, suggesting the central portion of a porphyry system.

This could be a depletion zone but It just might be that it was not altered by subsequent hydro action. I believe this to be the case because of the specific location with repect to the movements mantioned earlier, the over all shape of the district and it's halo shape (undisturbed). This one could be a stunner. Grab samples support that.

Lot's to chew over yet

There was likely a flooding event that transported minerals to the brechia and some of the other trap areas.
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