Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to Lone Star's message

There's no doubt talks are going on. BUT.

"THE ELECTION INDICATOR: During election years, the stock market has risen by an average of 11% dating back to 1928. June, July, and August are – by far – the best-performing months during an election year. More importantly, stocks have only had three negative years over the past 21 election cycles. There is a common sense element that goes into this indicator. During election years, it's in the best interest of the current Administration to do EVERYTHING in its power to prevent stocks from going lower. After all, Americans usually vote with their wallets.

Billionaire investor Jim Rogers is known for being extremely bearish on stocks. However, he's bullish on stocks for the rest of 2012. He expects the current Administration "to print money like crazy in an effort to get reelected." After the recent market pullback, stocks are no longer up on the year. The election year indicator says that we should just about be at our maximum downside. On the upside, we have a chance of about 8% to 10%, which would give us the Super Bull Trap that I have been expecting. But it is much to dangerous to play the upside."

Are you seeing what's happening to the markets this June? Exactly what I said would happen and it aint over yet. I expected CUU to push for a deal and fast. What I'm seeing in the markets is getting freaky. As volume dries up we become dead in the water. By July the markets will be in serious trouble and the FEDs will have to print funny money by the truck load. The problem with that is going to become obvious when people no longer want it. And I don't mean the banks, I mean us.

The corruption is reaching epidemic hieghts. A couple of new reports on US banks show they are hiding insolvency with the permission and aid of the government. We used to accuse China of underhanded dealings with the global markets but now it's all of them. The retail is not coming back because of the corruption. This will not change over night. That's why I said it's time to get defensive. I'm not alone in expecting governments to lie, cheat and steal in order to prop up the house of cards but the retail has been burned so bad they are just not coming back.

Many people here do not get what it means when stocks go up like the recent 1 day gain with diddly for volume.

And then...

Go here and hit translate Adiconsum Italia This is not a joke. This was done to try keep a lid on it.

So we need a deal and fast. This kind of stuff is accelerating which will lead to a massive devaluing of fiats world wide. Shockingly, EU people are rushing to the USD undermining the value of things and tyotally scewing the valuations because the USD is a fraud. The idea is simple, the USD is the only game in town untill... So while people rush to it the USA is printing like crazy and lending it to the EU! What the bleep?? Just look under the skin of US treasuries. If there is the slightest crack the whole thing implodes and the FED knows it. This is getting very dangerous.

So while Rome (USA and EU) burns Elmer fiddles. It's time for them to take this serious. Make a deal happen even if it is not 100% satisfactory. Just get it done. I have a farm so I'll eat and be happy pretty much no matter what happens. (Some smarty should go find the post I wrote on that on sh so long ago.) Others, most, are not prepared if things go wrong. They would be a lot better off if they had time and money to prepare. If things magically turn around we can all have a laugh. But seriously. the world has 10 times the global GDP in debt! That's not even possible and yet it is a fact. So for every chicken I have I'm supposed to produce 10. Get friggen real.

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