Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

The RE is on track and bigger than expected. Power has been contracted out and it looks like a green light at the Fed level backed by the Prov who really need this. The Pine Beetle report is fanning the flames for jobs. The bridge construction is approved for measures that will keep them in place when the rivers expand to 400% of seasonal highs and more survey trucks were seen headed that way. The FS will come faster than expected and contains info that will ease peoples minds about the economics and something else is brewing with the FS. We might just barely meet the bar to include silver without any further fuss as Red Chris got thiers on weaker evidence. I'm expecting an announcement for concentrate contracts before we get bought out. There should be expressions of interest from ... . Last is the letter of understanding that has taken months to work out. If anything lights a fire under us this will be it.

Tomorrow should restore the RE level. The question is do they sell off and if so how deep. The next question to ask is do they get burned as large money piles on. Assurances have been given at the US presentation and new houses are on the buy. When you combine our followers and the new blood the RE echo gets interesting.

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Copper Fox Metals Inc.
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