Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Duffy on SH admits bashin with several ids, says he quits... Not sure if its true anyway might be worth a look.

''Hello,As many of you are aware, I am a paid 'basher'. As childish asbashingmight seem on the surface, a lot of money actually exchangeshands basedon the work we do.

I work(ed) for an investment firmbased inToronto, Ontario, Canada. I worked in cooperation with severalothers andunder several aliases in several online investment forums.IncludinggoldenboyXXXX, Tooth18, OneVultrue, 7Midniqht and HerbaciousonStockhouse.To make a long story short. I have had an epihphany inthepast few days. I watched the movie Fight Club, and as brutal asthemovie is on the surface, it actually caused me to question a lotofthings I do or have done in my life. The next day I was involved inasingle vehicle car accident, which caused my vehicle to roll-over.Iwalked away from it all, but it got me to thinking. I only live once,isthis what I want from my life? Is this what I've always wanted to do -Iam not even proud of my career or myself. I say that I am astockbroker, but that is a lie. We are basically paid con-men. I quit today, no questions asked. Just walked out. I am 23 years old, and this is not what I want out of life.

The scheme works like this. Be aware of it so you can guard yourself. Our companymonitorsundervalued companies with strong assets and strong potential.When thiscompany, XXX.V, for example, reaches an overbought situation,ourcompany begins selling shares that we do not own in hopes ofpurchasingthese shares at a lower price later on. As the share pricedips, ourcompany purchases these shares for a cheaper price at thelowered askprice. That is where we come in - we bash the stock onlineto try andfurther the negative sentiment so that the stock gaps downfurther andincreases our profit margin. This type of activity is callednaked shortselling and it should be illegal. Our firm is a wellestablished one thatdeals out shares that we do not own, then send outan army of onlinerats to undermine the company'ssuccesses to drive theprice down. As anemployee, I never really realized the effect it had oninvestors orcompanies. I just really cared about opening the gap asmuch as possible,so that I could make a larger commission. It was alljust a big game.''

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