Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

Wow. Yesterday this board was so quiet and the comments were to that effect: it was tumbleweeds.

News and speculation changed that today, big time.

Some thoughts:

-This talk of Ernesto settling for a $2 buyout is ludicrous. If that's all he believed CUU was worth why wasn't he dumping shares when the price was in the $2.50-$2.70 range? Why was David MacDonald buying even above $2?
It's true, there have been examples on the market when less than a fair premium has been extended -- just recently with Glencore's purchase offer for Xstrata. That was only for a 15% premium in an all-shares deal. Xstrata shareholders were outraged.
I don't see Ernesto shortchanging us or himself and his fellow directors that way. Never!

-I don't buy the idea of a PP at $1.40. I think Ernesto is the guy to be putting up the money since this is his baby, and he just recently settled all outstanding debts with CUU, AND he took more shares instead of cash, so that tells you something.

-Who made the decision to choose that ridiculous SH post as the "Best of the Boards/Blogs"??? What are they smoking over there? The only reason it would have been selected was as a deliberate shot at CUU shareholders capable of reasoning, and we all made a mass exodus to this forum. They know it.

-Seriously, if Don Lindsay and Teck want to play hardball in negotiating a buyout price for CUU, there are plenty of very well capitalized miners that would swallow us whole for closer to our true value. Don't listen to the clowns on here who say otherwise.


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