Connacher Oil and Gas

Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Glad to see this hub is vibrant as ever. After reading the Agoracom settlement message, it would be nice to see the aliases used (along with the PM information obtained), but then again, who cares?

I've followed the CLL board for years, and posting whenever compelled to contribute. And over the years, I can honestly say that it didn't matter whether an alias was used - it didn't sway my own due diligence. Actually I looked forward to the daily lively debates between what the company is doing and where it should be headed. I'm sure that if aliases lurked in this hub, they were instantly challenged by the likes of 2Crude, jurek, spidey, et al. - even the ones that continued to toot the company greatness without any financial or operational supporting backup (who later decided to challenge the messenger, rather than the message).

I have great concern with CLL's Asset Sale.

This action is usually requested by a lender to bring one's debt in line with cash flow. I'm not sure if this is a Gusella pre-emptive strike, in case the request is made in the future, for indeed a fire sale, or if Gusella wants to start showing his goods in a calmer environment. Either way, I get nervous when companies start selling assets to MAYBE pay down debt (from what Scott posted, they may or may not pay down debt…that’s even more concerning).

With respect to the convertible $100M debenture, rest assured, that another 90-100 million+ shares will hit the street….that’s been Gusella’s mantra anytime he’s in trouble over the years – issue shares.

My only question to everybody here is: How much more damage does a CEO need to inflict before being fired?

Good luck all, I’m still holding my remaining shares, although these days, they feel more like Nortel and BreX, than CLL shares.


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