Connacher Oil and Gas

Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Good Day,

I think we are very lucky on this Board to have members who can provide us with very accurate information.

For example, Jurek's financial forecasts, both quarterly and yearly, have been the most accurate over the last couple of years.

2CRUDE provides us with excellent information on all aspects of SAGD. I notice that in the last couple of days we also have some additional Engineers who appear to have a good knowledge of SAGD.

I think the strength of this Board is extremely important to all Board members. We can't really afford to have any of our members unfairly judged and commented on by others. That can take the form of innuendo, with comments like "so-and-so is always negative" or "so-and-so is always positive", etc. There have also been other comments which have been accusations as to the integrity of both members of this Board and Management.

Over the next couple of years, it will be important that Board members can rely on the information that is being provided by other members.

So I would request that everyone think before they accuse, judge or belittle the comments of other members.

Members who continually question the integrity of Connacher's CEO and Connacher's Management or rant on about the "corruption of the Canadian Securities System" should consider not posting on these topics. These kind of comments are an unnecessary distraction and are not based on fact.

Hopefully, everyone will recoup any losses that they have incurred and in order to do that, accuracy of information, respect for other Board members and the ability to focus on factual information will assist Board members in making informed decisions.

Best Wishes,


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