Conforce International

Environmentally friendly Eko-Flor for the trucking, shipping, and military industries. Over 25 years in the Shipping Container Business

CFRI - Conforce International: Highlights from Marino's Conference Call address...
Credit to sunarf from hotstockmarket

  • Focus solely on the commercialization of the EKO-FLOR product line

Trailer business

  • Peru plant has 28 employees
  • Will be hiring to meet tax breaks
  • 20% capacity on the plant floor (according to June release), increasing to 30% with additional lines
  • Plant made ready for larger scale production in last 3-4 months
  • Customized for retrofit for plug-and-play readiness of additional lines
  • Resumed fulfilling the CIMC Vanguard order and continue to train its personnel
  • Optimizing the proprietary processes of product manufacturing: cycling/debugging new lines to full out delegating manufacturing philosophy
  • Chief Technology Officer is responsible for ensuring Conforce maintains lead position as cutting edge technology
  • Company will support completing advancement to newer generation manufacturing technology that will pay dividends in increased quality, efficiency and overall profitability
  • Anticipate much higher production volume through their engagement with both trailer and container markets
  • Patents applied for in 40 countries
  • Bayer says Conforce is ahead of the curve of any potential competition in this technology by five years
  • Conforce is positioning itself to become the global leader in composite transportation flooring and taking steps to ensure and maintain global superiority
  • 250,000 of 450,000 Vanguard order has been realized
  • Balance of order was deferred so engineering department could better meet the specific customer requirements in the installation sector
  • Engaged at the highest level with nations largest trailer OEM’s
  • Touching aftermarket and end users

Container business

  • Received further favorable results from container ocean-going trials for EKO-FLOR product compared to standard plywood flooring
  • Results show vastly superior savings associated with maintenance and repairs
  • Some of the largest lines have repair budgets that exceed 250,000,000 per year, and savings are not easily overlooked
  • COA Conference acknowledged industry is no further ahead than it was five or six years ago
  • Leading carriers acknowledged their repair budgets have tripled in the last few years and getting progressively worse
  • Conforce was mentioned by name in the first few minutes of session as being at leading edge of developing an alternative material flooring solution for the industry
  • Moderator spontaneously asked Marino to close the session by addressing the delegates
  • He was able to promote the benefits of EKO-FLOR product to the target market
  • Conforce is engaged in serious negotiations with the industry for significant volume builds
  • Expected to report on their conclusions in the first calendar quarter
  • Working closely with Bayer in addressing technology transfer and working diligently with highly specialized groups in transitioning the key Conforce business activities to China
  • Expect to commence manufacturing of operations in fourth quarter of next year
  • Numerous options are available for financing
  • Engaged the services of a Wall Street financial bank to spearhead activities
  • Not limited to equity or debt
  • Company’s preference is to remain in non-diluted solution

General business

  • Overall second quarter financial results with capital expenditures reflect how the company is in the production optimization period of growth
  • Costs during quarter were largely associated with establishment and build out of the facility in Indiana
  • Company was well capitalized during the period including production enhancements unique to the quarter
  • Looking to a very favorable year ahead
  • In position to move forward with revenue producing orders normalizing expenses into 2012
  • Have sufficient funding required for the year
  • Received Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Certification from EPEA
  • C2C is a tremendous benefit to the Company and its product
  • Conforce is at the forefront of the environment sector
  • Extensive study coming out by Bayer and Conforce

Credit to sunarf from hotstockmarket
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