Colossus Minerals Inc's Profile

Colossus Minerals : High Grade Noble Metals Projects in Brazil SPD-034 intersected 20.44 metres at 158.82 g/t gold, 67.14 g/t platinum and 101.10 g/t palladium

Colossus is an emerging mineral exploration and development company focused on Brazilian gold.

A major mining country, Brazil has a number of world class deposits of gold, iron ore, copper, nickel, manganese and bauxite spread through its vast and varied geological terranes. From the beginning of the 18th century, during Portuguese Colonial times into the 19th century, Brazil was the World’s leading gold producer. A second major gold rush occurred in the 1970s and 1980s when new hard rock mines were established and garimpero (informal miners) production from alluvial and regolithic sources was widespread in Brazil. A legacy of this Colonial and garimpero activity has been the location of numerous auriferous systems, many of which remain untested for their potential for hard rock gold resources.

Given the country’s mining culture, its international standard and transparently implemented mining code, stable political and fiscal situation, Brazil is a first rate candidate for investment in mineral exploration to realise its evident potential. Although most of the major multinational mineral companies are operating in Brazil, there are comparatively few junior companies involved in Brazilian exploration.

From the Brazilian and international experience of its principals, Colossus has developed useful geological models for gold and other mineralisation in the Brazilian Shield. These models are being utilised in area and project selection. The Company’s networking with garimpero groups, local technical people and companies is contributing a wealth of exploration opportunities.

With a winning team and good connections to financial markets, Colossus will become a leader in the Brazilian and broader exploration scenes.

Colossus Growth Strategy

Utilising its world class geoscientific skills, a strong Brazilian network and the company’s business acumen, Colossus will grow by acquisition and exploration of projects with hitherto unrecognised exploration or development potential.

The Colossus Team

Blending experience, expertise and energy in technical, financial, managerial and strategic matters, the Colossusmanagement team comprises Ari Sussman, CEO; Vic Wall, President; John Ross, CFO; Augusto Kishida, VP Exploration; Heleno Costa, VP, Operations Serra Pelada and Chris Grainger, Principal Geologist operating under a well qualified board

Last changed at 23-Sep-2013 01:58PM by Boot

Management & Directors

  • Randy Reichert

    President & Chief Operating Officer

    Randy Reichert brings over 20 years of experience in mine operations to the Colossus team. Prior to joining Colossus, Randy spent two years based in London as Chief Operating Officer with Orsu Metals Corp. and Oriel Resources plc. With Orsu Metals, Randy was responsible for the Varvarinskoye gold-copper mine in Kazakhstan, and played a significant role guiding the operation through the ramp-up period, substantially improving mine productivity and cost management. Randy held the same position with Oriel Resources where he was responsible for its operations. Oriel Resources was acquired by Mechel for US$1.5 billion cash in 2008.

    Prior to Oriel Resources, Randy worked for Bema Gold Corporation and Kinross Gold Corporation in Russia as General Manager for the Julietta Mine in Magadan before assuming an integral role as General Manager in the development of the Kupol Mine, a world-class high-grade and underground gold mine in Chukotka.

    Randy began his career with Cominco Ltd. working at the Polaris, Snip, and Sullivan mines in Canada .

    Randy holds a BA.Sc (Mining and Mineral Processing) from University of British Colombia, an M.Sc (Engineering-Rock Mechanics) from Queen’s University, and a GDBA from Simon Fraser University.

  • Ari Sussman

    Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board

    Ari Sussman has over 10 years of experience in both the resources and investment markets. During his career, Mr. Sussman has built a strong network of business contacts throughout Latin America. These contacts have led to the evaluation and acquisition of multiple business opportunities. From 1998-2004, Mr. Sussman was a key partner in Titanium Corporation Inc. as he helped guide the company from inception to over $100 million in market capitalization.

  • John Frostiak, P.Eng

    Director, Q.P.

    John Frostiak is a registered professional engineer in the province of Ontario and a member of of the Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum. Currently, Mr. Frostiak is Corporate Project Manager for Barrick Gold Corporation. In prior years, he held other positions within Barrick Gold Corporation and was responsible for numerous technical accomplishments, including leading the development of the process plant and surface facilities for both the Pierina mine in Peru, the Bulyanhulu mine in Tanzania, and Cowal mine in Australia.

    Member of the Audit Committee
    Member of the Compensation Committee

  • Greg Hall

    Director, Q.P.

    Greg Hall is a seasoned geologist with over 35 years of international experience. From 1988-2005, he was employed by the Placer Dome group of companies, serving as Chief Geologist -World Wide during the last five years he was there. Placer Dome was later acquired by Barrick Gold Corporation in early 2006. Over the course of his illustrious career, Mr. Hall had a senior rolein the discoveries of both Barrick Gold's Granny Smith mine and Rio Tinto's Yandi iron ore mine. In addition, he took part in the discoveries of Keringal and Wallaby in Australia's Eastern Goldfields, as well as the definition of AngloGold Ashanti's Sunrise gold mine. Mr. Hall holds a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of New South Wales, Australia.

  • Douglas Reeson, MBA


    Douglas Reeson is a business executive and an independent financial consultant with experience as an officer and director of a number of junior public companies. Currently Mr. Reeson is the CEO of Gossan Resources Ltd. and a director of Mega Uranium Ltd. In prior years, he held a number of positions in the investment industry, including the Executive Director of Listings for the Toronto Stock Exchange, Vice-President and Director of Davidson Partners, Midland Doherty & Yorkton Securities and, earlier, as an Investment Analyst at Burns-Fry.

    Member of the Audit Committee
    Member of the Compensation Committee

  • Patrick F.N. Anderson


    Patrick F. N. Anderson, Director: Since graduating from the University of Toronto's geology program 15 years ago, Mr. Anderson has been a consulting geologist on gold, base metals and diamond projects for junior explorers, major producers and mineral industry consulting firms in South America, North America and Europe. Mr. Anderson was the President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of Aurelian Resources Inc., a company he co-founded, prior to its takeover by Kinross Gold Corporation. Mr. Anderson currently sits on the boards of Colossus Minerals Inc., Noront Resources Ltd. and U3O8 Corp Inc. He was named Mining Man of the Year by the Northern Miner in 2009 and received the Thayer Lindsley award for international discovery from the PDAC in 2008. He was named Mining Man of the Year by the Northern Miner in 2009 and received the Thayer Lindsley award for international discovery from the PDAC in 2008.

    Member of the Audit Committee
    Member of the Compensation Committee

  • Vic Wall, PhD

    Vice President of Exploration, Director, Q.P.

    Vic Wall brings to the Colossus team a wealth of expertise and experience in the generation, acquisition and evaluation of precious, base metal and energy mineral projects. Dr. Wall is a geologist with 35 years in the minerals mining, consulting, and exploration and research industries. Following a career in Australian and North American academes, he held senior positions in a number of multinational major and junior minerals companies. A Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, Dr. Wall is Principal of Taylor Wall & Associates, a Brisbane-based consultancy that provides geoscientific services to mineral companies and government agencies, worldwide. His professional highlights include the targeting and acquisition of gold and base metal deposits on several continents, developing new models for precious, base metal and energy mineral systems. In 2001, Dr. Wall was named the winner of the Goldcorp Challenge.

  • Augusto Kishida, PhD

    Vice President of Business Development

    Dr. Kishida has over 35 years of experience in the mining industry with a primary focus in Brazil. He has held many high-level positions within various Brazilian companies, including General Manager Brazil for International Brazilian Goldfields, Principal Geologist for Mount Isa Mines Limited, General Manager Brazil for Consolidated Madison Holdings and various positions within Vale, formally known as Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, the largest iron ore mining company globally.

    Dr. Kishida holds a BSc. in geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, an MSc. in economic geology from Federal University of Bahia, Brazil and a PhD in geology from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is a leader in modern day understanding of Archean Greenstone Belts and associated mineral deposits in Brazil. As well, he has published a number of important papers, including 3 major articles on economic geology.

    In the mid 1980s, Dr. Kishida was the pioneer in attracting risk capital from junior exploration companies into Brazil. As a result, he has significant experience is setting up and operating Brazilian mining companies.

    As an exploration geologist, he has been actively involved in many important discoveries in leadership capacities. Highlights include the discovery of the Fazenda Brasileiro gold deposit currently being mined by Yamana Gold Inc and the Catalao phosphate deposit being mined indirectly by majority owner Anglo American PLC.

  • Christian Grainger, PhD.

    Principal Geologist

    Christian Grainger is a geologist with over 10 years of experience in mineral exploration and development in Brazil. Dr. Grainger attended the University of Western Australia earning both his Bachelor of Science and Doctorate degrees, the latter of which was the subject of a thesis on the genesis of Colossus’ Serra Pelada deposit. Most recently, Dr. Grainger was Senior Exploration Geologist with Troy Resources where he oversaw an exploration team of 30 people and was instrumental in the delineation of new resources and the evaluation of new acquisitions.

  • Heleno Costa

    Vice President Operations, Serra Pelada

    Heleno Costa graduated as a geologist from the University of Brasília in 1976. Mr. Costa has over 30 years of experience in gold, base-metal and scheelite exploration, project management, the negotiation of mineral opportunities within Brazil and environmental management for a number of mining and exploration companies, including INCO, where he served for a period of 11 years in various project management roles. Since 1992, he has been involved in the management of an environmental consultancy business, of which he was the Founding Director. In that capacity, Mr. Costa was involved with various mining and exploration companies throughout Brazil. Additionally, has served as the president of APROMIN, the Association of Mining Professionals within Brazil during the period 1988-1990.

  • Steve Poad

    Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Poad has over 25 years experience in the mining industry. Most recently, he was the CFO for High River Gold, where he managed all financial activities for a company that is expected to produce about 300,000 ounces of gold in 2009. Prior to joining High River Gold, Mr. Poad held senior positions at several exploration companies and producing companies.

  • Darci Lindenmayer

    General Manager in Brazil

    Darci Lindenmayer has over 20 years of experience in the mining industry. He has worked in many high-level capacities within Brazil’s National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM) between 1968 – 1972, from which he went on to work for various Canadian and Brazilian mining companies, including Vale. Mr. Lindenmayer has received many awards including a scholarship to attain his Master’s degree from the University of Western Ontario and an award from the Brazilian Ministry of Mining and Energy (1988). Many of his articles have been published in Brazil, Portugal and Canada.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • CSI Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Colossus Minerals Inc
214.8M (fully diluted)
Metals & Minerals
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