Castle Gold Corp

Re: Just Great
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
Just Great
about 15 years ago

Just Great

If Plaxton really has deferred his fees until a deal is executed and finalized, that is good news, however why do I feel skeptical about this? How are they going to account for this escrow? Money held in escrow will still be a hit to the bottom line as a deferred expense. What should have been done is a success fee instead of Money held in escrow.

I am hearing from my own sources that any deals being discussed are in the $.80 range and I believe this possible offer would be ridiculous to us cash paying long term holders. My shares will vote against anything lower than $1.25. I am sure that Plaxton and his team, since they will be the real beneficiaries, will surely vote in favor, so everyone out there should start thinking about their vote when (and if) the time comes. I disagree completely with “old school miner” about the timing of the M&A initiative. I think the timing of these negotiations could not have been at a worse time. A year from now when production will be up in the 50,000 oz. + range would have been a much better time.

Gold is now at $1000 (+ -) and CSG is trying to hold at $.59c. Management has been mute while our stock is down 25% off its high. What’s wrong here? Who is holding it down?

I do not know when or if De Buken came on board, but production has met its mark in Q2, (but spending has eaten up all of the profits). Is De Buken responsible for this increase, or was it done without him? I believe production will continue to perform as expected, but will the BOD realize that M&A spending and the amount of money being spent on the BOD itself is killing the stock.

In addition, the PR/IR department has been extremely quiet; Maybe, by direction from the Board? Someone is holding this stock back. Why don’t the Company come out and say there is no acceptable deal being offered? Every trader and investor knows that when there is no news, the stock sinks. Why doesn’t the Board know and act on this? Say something!

Current fair value for CSG should be about $.90, right now. Based on continuing production performance, after Q3 the stock should be valued at over $1. When it looks like the Q4 production target will be met, CSG should be selling at a solid $1.50c, right after the first of the year, assuming the price of Gold remains at or about $1000. Many, many lesser Gold Companies are selling at much higher market caps than CSG. Our low price may be a reflection of a lack of quality sponsorship and a reflection of the BOD. If this continues, they should be voted out of office, come next s/h meeting. (I hope)

Several points I agree with “old school miner”. I know I am not alone when I say I truly believe that Gold will exceed $1200 between now and Q1 of 2010. Also that our stock is very undervalued. With a Gold price of $1200, that would mean that my projections of fair value of CSG should be double. Yes, $3 (three dollar) or more per share sometime in Q1 of next year is very possible. This is the real value of our shares.

The Company also needs better IR (more press releases) and better sponsorship (buyers). The best way to do that is with a new financing with a strong investor group. I suspect that Plaxton would be against that also. What is this guys real agenda?

Bottom line is if this stock falls a little further, in spite of Plaxton, I may double my position. This is based on my strong belief that production will be met (as long as TA remains on board).

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