Canadian Zinc

High-grade Silver, Zinc, and Lead Advanced stage of development Prairie Creek Mine-NWT Largest Shareholder Vatukoula Gold Mine (680,000 oz Reserves, 4.3 million oz Resource)

This report relates to 5,563,000 common shares (the “Purchased Shares”) in the capital of

Canadian Zinc Corporation (the “Company”) acquired by Resource Capital Fund VI L.P.

(“RCF VI”).

The Company’s address is as follows:

650 West Georgia Street, Suite 1710

P.O. Box 11644, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N9

1.2 State the name of the market in which the transaction or other occurrence that

triggered the requirement to file this report took place.

RCF VI acquired the Purchased Shares through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange

(the “TSX”).

Item 2 – Identity of the Acquiror

2.1 State the name and address of the acquiror.

The Purchased Shares were acquired by RCF VI, a private investment fund existing under the

laws of the Cayman Islands.

The address of RCF VI is as follows:

1400 Sixteenth Street, Suite 200,

Denver, CO, 80202

2.2 State the date of the transaction or other occurrence that triggered the

requirement to file this report and briefly describe the transaction or other


RCF VI acquired the Purchased Shares through the facilities of the TSX between July 7,

2016, the date of RCF VI’s most recently filed early warning report, and September 14, 2016.

2.3 State the names of any joint actors.

Not applicable.


Item 3 – Interest in Securities of the Reporting Issuer

3.1 State the designation and number or principal amount of securities acquired or

disposed of that triggered the requirement to file this report and the change in the

acquiror’s securityholding percentage in the class of securities.

The 5,563,000 Purchased Shares represent approximately 2.14% of the issued and

outstanding common shares in the capital of the Company (the “Common Shares”).

Prior to the acquisition of the Purchased Shares, RCF VI owned and controlled 43,767,000

Common Shares, representing approximately 16.87% of the issued and outstanding Common


Following the acquisition of the Purchased Shares, RCF VI owns and controls, directly or

indirectly, 49,330,000 Common Shares, representing approximately 19.01% of the current

issued and outstanding Common Shares.

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