Canada Carbon Inc

Welcome To The Bolero Resources HUB On AGORACOM A junior natural resource company focused on the acquisition and exploration of precious and base metal properties in Canada and United States.

AT the 7th ROF Golf Classic and Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 19th, we will have some special happenings.....

# 1 - A new inaugural golf classic trophy is being made to honor the late Paul Semple and will include all the past winning teams of this great event, including the initial one which was called the NOT GOLF Classic. Team names and team members will be on each shield on the trophy.

# 2 - A very special guest whom is a friend of mine will be in attendance. She is a former honor Harvard graduate and has made a career of infrastructure and architecture all over the world. Among her many accomplishments, she was the catalyst that put together the infrastructure of the Toronto railway lands and perhaps the most architecturally perfect city in the world, which is in China.

She is currently working with the First Nations and government in the Ring of Fire area and will be speaking at our event as wwell as making herself available during the evening for questions about the ROF and some of her accomplishments. I could tell you so much more about her connections and achievements, but instead will invite you all to come out to the ROF Classic on Sept. 19th to find them out for yourself. Please do join us for golf and dinner or just dinner and the reception before dinner.

We are fortunate to have her in attendance this year

# 3 - George Tsiolis of Agoracom will also be in attendance and he has some news for us as well.

Please contact me by PM or by email at to get registered for this great event that continues to evolve each year. And a great chance to meet and greet some of the nice people who post on here regularly, like Babjak, Irish, Hoov, Mustangman, Shakey, Glorieux and many others who will be in attendance.

Time is running out to get registered so please contact me very soon.

Thanks !


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