Canada Carbon Inc

Welcome To The Bolero Resources HUB On AGORACOM A junior natural resource company focused on the acquisition and exploration of precious and base metal properties in Canada and United States.
in response to RockLicker's message

Another excellent News Release. For what it is worth, here are the highlights as I perceive them:

1. The new news is the final report from the SGS Pilot Plant flotation and caustic bake metallurgical testing. The Evans Analytical GDMS results were reported previosly in a NR dated Oct 3, 2014.

2. The 125 tonne sample used by SGS for the metallurgical testing was not just vein material. CCB wanted to see the results using a composite sample that included disseminated material. The excellent results achieved mean that CCB has the option of using bulk mining methods not just vein mining. Obviously this means that the resource is potentially significantly larger than if vein mining was the only option.

3. The SGS flotation results ( 95.6% avg) are excellent for all mesh sizes. However the flotation results are not accurate and can be out by 1.4% either way. To determine the accurate results, CCB sent a sample to Evans for GDMS testing.

4. After flotation and caustic bake processing at SGS, a grab sample was collected for GDMS testing half way (PP-10 out of PP-22) through the pilot plant processing before the metallurgy had been optimized. This suggests that the GDMS results may be undervalued.

5. The GDMS testing, previously reported on Oct 3, 2014, for all particle sizes yielded purity values of 99.38% or higher. CCB can achive nuclear purity by flotation alone.

6. Nov 18,2014 CCB reported that average purity values of 99.9925% were achieved by GDMS. Also EBC (Equivqlent Boron Content) values of less than 1ppm were achieved.

Please correct any errors in my interpretation.

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