Calyx Bio-Ventures

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Calyx advises that the Canadian Government has announced Funding for

Agrisoma Biosciences Inc.

(January 13, 2009) -North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada –

Calyx Bio-Ventures Inc.

(TSX-V: CYX) (“Calyx” or the “Company”) advised that the Canadian Government has announced

Funding for bioenergy crop development. Calyx advises that

Agrisoma Biosciences Inc.


and Sustainable Development Technology Canada

(“SDTC”), an arm’s-length,

not-for-profit corporation created by the Government of Canada, report that a project led by

Agrisoma will be receiving up to $2,500,000 in funding from SDTC.

Calyx owns 29% of the equity of Agrisoma and has $895,071 of secured convertible promissory

notes outstanding.

The funds to be received by Agrisoma will be used to support the development of high yielding

oilseed crops engineered for production of optimized feedstock oils that can be used for biofuels

and the manufacture of new products that currently rely on petroleum supplies as feedstock for

the manufacturing process. These new high performance oilseeds will combine traits for oil

chemistry and sustainable production methods to produce new bioenergy crops that will

contribute to the energy economy as well as the rural economy, providing environmental benefits

in greenhouse gas emissions, soil and water use.

“Innovative bioenergy technologies are generating significant environmental benefits and are

providing new economic opportunities for industries and rural communities across the country,”

says the Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Natural Resources. “Companies like Agrisoma

Biosciences are taking important steps to advance the production of clean energy through nextgeneration

biofuels technology.”

“It is imperative that we find ways to increase the economic and environmental performance of

next-generation biofuels if Canada is to meet its targets in that area,” says Vicky Sharpe, SDTC

President and CEO. “Biotechnology is going to play a key role in doing so, and Agrisoma’s project

is a prime example of this.”

Agrisoma Biosciences has pioneered the development of the Engineered Trait Loci (ETL) system,

a novel crop technology that can achieve highly efficient genetic trait performance in crops by

precisely localizing the trait in the genome of the crop with excellent performance and significant

advantages for rapid product development. Agrisoma has already entered a global partnership

with one of the world’s largest seed biotechnology companies to utilize this technology in the

improvement of food crops, and now is applying this technology for the development of bioenergy

crops that offer superior sustainability advantages with tailored oils.

Using ETL technology, the feedstock crops will combine traits for enhanced oil content, traits to

maximize yield of oil per acre and traits that enable growth on lands of marginal quality, enabling

feedstock to be produced in a sustainable and cost-effective fashion.


Steven Fabijanski, President and chief executive officer of Agrisoma says: “The support by SDTC

further validates the advantages of our technology and its use for the development of new crops

that simultaneously provide new sources of carbon and do not contribute to greenhouse gas

emissions. By carrying out sustainable production of these new bioenergy crops, which capture

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, significant benefits are realized at multiple levels. This

includes direct soil and water benefits, a positive balance on carbon capture and, when used in

the manufacture of renewable fuels, emissions reductions at the tailpipe.”

Renewable sources of oils for petroleum displacement require enhanced biotechnology to

achieve high productivity and stable product consistency. The reliable production of specific oil

chemistries will allow widespread adoption into the economy and manufacturing sector. By

combining multiple traits for enhanced feedstock crop productivity and oil quality, these

engineered non-food oilseeds can be utilized in the efficient production of biodiesel, an

environmentally friendly fuel. Biodiesel produced with specific oil chemistries offers better

performance, higher gas mileage, reduced emissions, better cold weather properties and an

overall higher quality fuel that can be used year-round and in a wide variety of engines.

Agrisoma’s ETL technology will be further utilized to provide a consistent supply of specific oils

and unique oil chemistry for additional manufacturing and new product opportunities.

As part of this project, Agrisoma is collaborating with the National Research Council of Canada,

Plant Biotechnology Institute, Canada’s premiere crop biotechnology organization, and Canadian

Bioenergy Inc., one of Canada’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of biodiesel.

The announcement on Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) funding was made

today by the Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Natural Resources and Vicky Sharpe, SDTC

President and Chief Executive Officer.

About Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is an arm's-length foundation created by

the Government of Canada which has received $1.05 billion as part of the Government’s

commitment to create a healthy environment and a high quality of life for all Canadians.

SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative

technological solutions. The $550 million SD Tech Fund™ supports projects that address climate

change, air quality, clean water and clean soil. The $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund™

supports the establishment of first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities for the production of

next-generation renewable fuels.

SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation and has been working with the public and private

sector including industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the financial

community and all levels of government to achieve this mandate.

About Calyx-Bioventures Inc.

Calyx Bio-Ventures Inc. is the successor company to Chromos Molecular Systems Inc.

(“Chromos”). Chromos was a Canadian biotechnology company that commenced operations in

1996 to pursue the development and commercialization of its proprietary ACE (Artificial

Chromosome Expression) System technology. Agrisoma was created initially as a spinoff

company from Chromos and licensed technology relevant to plants.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is

defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the

adequacy or accuracy of this release

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, the information presented constitutes “forward looking

statements”. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to those with respect to the direct and indirect

benefits to Agrisoma and the Company as a result of the agreement between Agrisoma and SDTC, uncertainties and

other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company or Agrisoma to be

materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forwardlooking

statements. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results

to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There

can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ

materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forwardlooking


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