Bayhorse Silver Inc 's Profile

Why Invest

Where can you participate in one of the last, and largest, Wildcat Oil Plays in North America. 253,000 acres, nearly 400 square miles or a little over 1,000 square kilometers. Not only that, but conventional light sweet crude, only 1,000 meters – 1,200 meters down with neither fracking nor horizontal wells required. Each well is predicted to cost on $500,000 – $600,000 Canadian dollars to drill and complete, and the production, projected to average 125 barrels per day per well is paid in US$. The target is a “Tyvan Pool” style hosted in the Red River formation of Saskatchewan’s Williston Basin. The Tyvan Pool was discovered in 1999 when oils was $15 a barrel. 23 wells were drilled and all produced light sweet crude. The wells are long lived, still producing after 15 years.

To find out how the economics of oil wells work, view the Oil Well Calculator

Near Term Cash Flow. We anticipate our Bayhorse Silver Mine will be completed early in 2015. A small amount of work is required to complete the safety work and we will have access to the mineralized zone that was blocked out for mining in 1984. The mine closed before this material was mined. There reportedly remains a historic, non-43-101 compliant resource of approximately 160,000 tons at a 7.5 ounce per ton cutoff at between 17- 20 ounces of silver per ton (Herdrick 1981) from which reportedly approximately 5,700 tons was mined at an average grade of 16.7 oz/ton Ag in 1984. The Company advises that the resource noted above is of a historic nature and historic production, estimates, drill information and grades disclosed here have not been verified; A qualified person has not done sufficient work to verify the historical estimates nor classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the Company is not treating the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. Bonanza grade material has been identified with grades from sampling as high as 4,835 ounces of silver per ton.

Share Dividends in New Companies. Bayhorse Silver has created two tax deferred dividends to its shareholders in the past four years in the form of spin-offs on the basis of one share in a new company for each four shares of Bayhorse Silver held by the shareholders.

Saskatchewan Oil

Little Swan Project

Bayhorse Silver has entered into a Farm-In Agreement with Saturn Minerals to acquire a 25% interest in the 253,000 acre (395 sq/mile or 1,024 sq/km) Little Swan Northern Williston Basin conventional oil prospect near the town of Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. This region is one of the last highly accessible, on-shore frontier areas of North America for oil & gas.
The Williston Basin is now generating over 1,000,000 barrels of light crude oil per day, and is projected to grow to 2,000,000 barrels a day as more oil wells are drilled.

Saturn estimates that, based on the seismic knowledge gained to date, oil bearing systems may be found as deep as 1,200 meters. Drilling to that depth is estimated to cost $500,000 per vertical well, and neither fracking nor horizontal well development is anticipated.

Saturn Minerals is a Canadian exploration & development company with a project focus on the Northern Williston Basin. This region is one of the last highly accessible, on-shore frontier areas of North America for oil & gas, as well as coal. The Northern Williston Basin contains many of the same oil bearing formations that are located in the central and southern parts of the basin which are found in North Dakota and Montana, and since 2010 have been shown to host high TOC, oil-prone source rock, excellent reservoir rock and widespread cap rock of high integrity. Saturn’s mission is to be a leading industry player in the discovery and commercial production of oil & gas resources in the Northern Williston Basin. – See more at:

Please review Saturn Minerals video presentation here.


Bayhorse Silver Mine in Oregon


The Company’s plans are to extract up to 5,000 cubic yard bulk sample (approximately 15,000 tons) from the high grade silver zone at its Bayhorse silver mine, that, subject to financing, is expected to commence late in the 1st quarter of 2015. Based upon the average 1984 historic mining grades of 572 g/t Ag (16.7 oz/t Ag), the bulk sample has the potential to contain as much as 250,800 oz/Ag. The Company has successfully tested dense media separation (“DMS”) on the mineralized material and anticipates that using DMS will reduce the waste material by 88%, thus giving a significant upgrade.

American Mining and Tunneling of Elko Nevada has been engaged to rehabilitate the adit and, subject to financing, work is expected to be completed towards the end of March, 2015. Underground sampling and drilling will then immediately commence to confirm the historic underground assays and to determine what will be required to bring the reported historic resource up to a NI-43-101 reporting standards.

The mineralized zone consists of a stockwork, that includes bonanza grade mineralization up to 4,835 opt Ag, is approximately 80 feet wide and is open along strike to the west and to depth. It has the potential to contain a significant high grade silver resource. The Company has also identified potential mineralization along strike to the east and has added another six claims to the property to cover this zone.

The flotation test results announced in our recent news release, (BHS2013-13), indicate the proposed bulk sample may also contain significant amounts of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and antimony (Sb).
Subject to the success of the first proposed bulk sample, an additional bulk sample of the same size is anticipated to be completed by early 2016.

Historic Information:

The Company advises that information presented below is of a historic nature and historic production, estimates, drill information and grades disclosed here have not been verified; A qualified person has not done sufficient work to verify the historical estimates nor classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the Company is not treating the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. (ounces/grams conversion is one ounce/short ton = 34.2857 grams/tonne) The contents have been reviewed and approved by Dr. Clay Conway, P. Geol., a Qualified Person as recognized by National Instrument NI-43-101 and a director of the Company.

Mining has been conducted intermittently at Bayhorse since the early 1920′s and the mine last closed after the price of silver dropped to under US$6/oz in late 1984. The property has remained dormant since. The Bayhorse mine has two existing accessible adits, the upper extending about 800 feet westward into the hill and the lower extending about 500 feet into the hill. The intermediate level is reached through a new adit that was constructed in 1984, and by raises from the lower level and winzes from the upper level. Three areas have been stopped in the ground between the upper and middle level.

As “stated in the minerals production yearbook” (Jacobsen, 1959), total reported historic production from the Bayhorse Mine through 1959 was 286,000 ounces of silver from 8,300 tons of ore for an average of approximately 35.5 opt Ag (1,217 g/t Ag). Herdrick (1981) reported a resource of 166,208 tons at 17 – 20 oz/ton Ag at a 7.5 opt Ag cutoff.

According to other more recent reports in 1984, 90 underground drill holes totaling approximately 15,000 feet reportedly delineated approximately 26,000 tons of silver bearing mineralization of which 5,718 tons were reported being produced at an average grade of 16.7 opt Ag (572.5 g/t Ag) while approximately 20,000 tons at an average of 15 opt Ag reportedly remained unmined. The historic records also indicate that of the 5,718 tons produced, approximately 23% reportedly graded between 21 – 100 opt Ag, 71% reportedly graded between 6 opt – 20 opt Ag and 6% reportedly graded less than 6 opt Ag. Ancilliary copper produced reportedly averaged 1% Cu. The highest reported grade from the 1984 drilling, sampling and mining program was a round that reportedly assayed 691 opt Ag (23,691 g/t Ag) and 15.72% Cu from a acanthite, sphalerite and tetrahedrite-tennantite rich vein.

Both adits on the property are open, but the workings are not entirely accessible at present due to safety issues. Historic reports indicate that the mineralization, consisting mainly of tehrahedrite/tennantite, occurs in a 60-80 feet wide in a zone along an andesite and rhyolite contact. Minor copper, zinc and antimony are associated with the silver. Azurite and malachite coatings are common in oxidized parts of mineralized ground on the walls of the excavated stopes. Additional minerals include enargite, dufrenoysite and cuprodesclosite. Gold values of up to 10 g/t Au have also been reported in the mineralization.


Last changed at 01-Feb-2015 01:24PM by RockLicker

Management & Directors

  • Graeme O’Neill

    President & CEO

    Mr O’Neill established the Company and has been President & CEO since its inception. He has been involved in managing junior exploration companies in the minerals sector for a number of years and is experienced in logistics, planning, and operations development. He has a strong background in the regulatory and compliance requirements of public companies

  • Dr. Clay Conway Ph.D., P.Geol.

    Senior Geologist, Director and Qualified Person

    Dr. Conway graduated from Brigham Young University in 1966 with a B.Sc. Geology and obtained his Ph.D. in Geology from the California Institute of Technology in 1975. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists, and is a Registered Geologist in both Utah and Arizona.

    As a Research Scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey from 1975 to 1996, he performed mineral resource assessments of public lands, and conducted mineral deposit research with a specialty in massive sulphide and other mineral deposits types in the southwestern U.S.

    He has been an independent geologic consultant since 1996; primarily in mineral exploration on both disseminated and vein style gold deposits in the U.S. Australia, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia, and has expertise in structural geology, and interpreting geospatial data and remote sensing imagery.

    Dr. Clay Conway, Ph.D., P.Geol, is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

  • John Cerenzia


    Mr. Cerenzia Has many years experience with small capitalization companies and junior resource companies. He was president of Alive International Inc., now Simberi Gold Corporation, a TSX-V listed company with mineral exploration properties located in Papua New Guinea and Western Australia.

    Mr. Cerenzia is also president of Wycliffe Resources, director of Richview Resources Inc. and was the president of 701 Media Group now YSV Ventures Inc. a TSX-V listed company. He is former president of Aquarius Investment Group, a private company, and former director of Helix Ventures Inc., a TSX-V listed company in the oil and gas development and exploration business.

    He has served as a consultant to other public companies and is a former Systems Business Analyst with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, where he worked for 32 years. Mr. Cerenzia is a graduate of the Canadian Institute of Management (CIM).

  • Corey Klassen


    Mr. Klassen has a strong financial background and has been a director of Bayhorse for a number years. He has considerable experience with junior resource companies and is currently a director of two public companies.

  • Anike Li, CPA, CGA, BBA

    Chief Financial Officer

    Ms. Li is a Certified General Accountant with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Accounting. Ms. Li has an extensive and diverse professional background in financial reporting and analysis, budgeting and strategic planning. As CFO, she offers exhaustive knowledge of reporting practice and requirements for public companies.

  • Donna Moroney

    Corporate Secretary

    Ms. Moroney has over 30 years of experience in regulatory and corporate compliance in both Canada and the United States, and as a senior officer of various public companies. As President of Wiklow Corporate Services Inc., she assists companies in the resource, financial and technology sectors in maintaining the securities and exchange demands on public companies, as well as keeping them up-to-date on relevant issues, policies and working practices. Ms. Moroney also assists companies reporting in the US in preparing registration statements, quarterly and annual financial filings and other various facets of meeting US securities requirements. She also leads seminars that provide a practical guide for public companies in meeting their securities regulatory compliance requirements. She currently serves as a director and/or senior officer for eight public companies

Broker Fact Sheet

  • BHS Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Bayhorse Silver Inc
21,178,519 I/O Oct 31 2014
Metals & Minerals
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