Bayfield Ventures

Exploring for Gold in the Rainy River and Red Lake districts of Northwestern Ontario 81m @ 5.08 g/t Gold, 28m @ 13.28 g/t Gold, 9m @ 12.88 g/t Gold, 46.6m @ 2.28 g/t Gold plus Bonanza grade Silver (up to 1760 g/t)

My latest hidden gold nugget could make 448% returns look like chicken feed.

Global gold mining takeovers have already set a record thisyear. Now, with the Chinese and their billions fully backingacquisitions abroad, the outlook for takeover candidates isastronomical.

My latest gold nugget find is about as straightforward apotential takeover story as I've ever seen. And because of itssignificant discoveries, it's highly likely to make you a ton of money,whether it's acquired or not.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this. It's truly oneof the few virtual "no-brainer" calls I've ever seen, and another hugeDOUBLE-WIN opportunity for those who get in quickly. Let me explain.

Rainy River Resources (V.RR) has been advancing a large(5.1Moz Au) and growing gold resource in northwest Ontario. But I'vediscovered recent drill results that show RR's mineralization extendsfrom their property right onto an adjacent claim block owned by anothersmall junior miner.

Armed with the drill results, this small company recentlyraised C$4 million in a private placement to carry out its drillprogram.

One of two things is guaranteed to happen to this small company:

1. With its known extensions to RR's gold deposits, this company is ripe for being taken over by RR. But RR itself is a candidate for takeover by any large gold mining company looking for big deposits in a stable mining jurisdiction. That means this tiny, virtually unknown gold nugget could be the winner of a no-holds-barred bidding war that would drive its stock prices into the stratosphere.
2. If it doesn't get taken over, the company has excellent potential to drill off a substantial gold resource of its own, and to discover even more. This work can provide extraordinary returns to investors on its own.

You see why I'm excited? This is more than just a great discovery story -- it's also a clear takeover waiting to happen. And either way investors who get in now – while virtually nobody else knows what's going on – stand to win big!


Louis James, Editor
Casey's International Speculator

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Bayfield Ventures
80.3 M F/D - Oct 11, 2012
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