Bayfield Ventures

Exploring for Gold in the Rainy River and Red Lake districts of Northwestern Ontario 81m @ 5.08 g/t Gold, 28m @ 13.28 g/t Gold, 9m @ 12.88 g/t Gold, 46.6m @ 2.28 g/t Gold plus Bonanza grade Silver (up to 1760 g/t)

Old news from Dec 1st indicates we are waiting on lots of results. 30,000 metres of drilling yet to come.

On December 1, Bayfield Ventures Corp. released additional drill results on its 100-percent-owned Burns Block property in the Rainy River district of Northwestern Ontario. The Burns Block is situated adjacent to the east and on strike with Rainy River Resources Ltd.'s multimillion-ounce gold deposit. Rainy River's March, 2010, NI 43-101-compliant resource includes 2.37 million ounces of gold at 1.3 grams per tonne in the indicated category and an additional 2.66 million ounces of gold at 1.2 grams per tonne in the inferred category (0.4-gram-per-tonne gold cut-off for open-pit mineralization and 3.0-gram-per-tonne gold cut-off for underground mineralization).

A Rainy River gold properties claims map is available on the company's website.


* Gold intercepts reported on Burns Block continue to define eastern extension of Rainy River's main ODM17 gold zone;

* Four metres of 6.17 grams per tonne gold and 13 metres of 2.54 grams per tonne gold within 21 metres of 1.53 grams per tonne gold;

* Gold mineralization continues to be extended eastward on the Burns Block;

* Approximately 30,000 metres of drilling yet to be completed.

Discussion of results from 283 Zone holes RR10-37 to RR10-40 and RR10-46 to RR10-48

The infill drilling of the 400-metre linear plunge distance between RR10-15 and RR10-18 is still at an early stage, with a total of five holes completed to target depth. Two holes were abandoned due to unexpected dip and azimuth deflections (flattening) occurring in the shallow portions of the holes (holes RR10-37 and 39).

Significant gold mineralization was intersected in hole RR10-47 from 375 metres to 396 metres downhole. This 21-metre interval returned an average grade of 1.53 grams per tonne gold, and includes metre intervals grading 14.80 grams per tonne gold and 7.94 grams per tonne gold. The position of this mineralized zone lines up well with the interpreted plunge of gold mineralization between holes RR10-15 and 18. Drilling and delineation of this target area are continuing. Holes RR10-38 and 40 intersected highly anomalous gold grades ranging between 0.2 gram per tonne gold and 0.6 gram per tonne gold over varied widths.

An updated Burns Block drilling exploration map is available on the company's website.

Gold Assay Results From 283 Zone

* RR10-46: 29.0m of 0.40 g/t Au;

including 6.0m of 1.10 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 5.58 g/t Au;

and 5.0m of 0.40 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 0.96 g/t Au;

* RR10-47: 21.0m of 1.53 g/t Au;

including 13.0m of 2.54 g/t Au;

including 9.0m of 3.34 g/t Au;

including 4.0m of 6.17 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 14.80 g/t Au;

and including 1.0m of 7.94 g/t Au;

and including 1.0m of 1.45 g/t Au;

* RR10-48: 17.0m of 0.51 g/t Au;

including 2.0m of 1.17 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 1.59 g/t Au;

and including 1.0m of 1.09 g/t Au.

(i) Mineralized intervals above are estimated to be 65 percent to 75 percent of true width.

Discussion of results from North zone holes RR10-41 to RR10-45 and RR10-49

Bayfield Ventures has now completed reconnaissance drilling 180 metres east of the west boundary on the North zone of the Burns Block property. Assay results continue to confirm the presence of significant widths of lower-grade, bulk-tonnage gold mineralization localized within near-surface, intensely sericite-altered fragmental dacite volcanic host rocks. Intercepts include eight metres of 0.81 gram per tonne gold within 19 metres of 0.43 gram per tonne gold in RR10-43 and 12 metres of 0.45 gram per tonne gold in RR10-45. Holes RR10-42, 44 and 49 all intersected highly anomalous gold values over varied widths. The gold mineralization remains open to the east on all sections of the Burns Block, including the North zone.

Gold Assay Results From North Zone

* RR10-41: 1.0m of 1.39 g/t Au;

and 25.0m of 0.31 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 1.70 g/t Au;

* RR10-43: 19.0m of 0.43 g/t Au;

including 8.0m of 0.81 g/t Au;

including 2.0m of 2.09 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 3.12 g/t Au;

* RR10-45: 11.0m of 0.33 g/t Au;

and 12.0m of 0.45 g/t Au;

including 1.0m of 1.02 g/t Au

(i) Mineralized intervals above are estimated to be 75 percent to 95 percent of true width.

B block exploration update

Eleven initial exploration holes have been completed on Bayfield Venture's 100-percent-owned B block, located to the northeast of the Burns Block. All holes encountered anomalous gold values over varied widths. The company is evaluating all data from the B block to determine the positioning of a winter 2011 drill program.

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Bayfield Ventures
80.3 M F/D - Oct 11, 2012
Metals & Minerals
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