Bayfield Ventures

Exploring for Gold in the Rainy River and Red Lake districts of Northwestern Ontario 81m @ 5.08 g/t Gold, 28m @ 13.28 g/t Gold, 9m @ 12.88 g/t Gold, 46.6m @ 2.28 g/t Gold plus Bonanza grade Silver (up to 1760 g/t)

Bayfield Ventures Corp. (BYV)

As of November 1st, 2010
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Nov 01/10 Oct 25/10 Ackerfeldt, Louise Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 60,000 $0.900
Nov 01/10 Oct 25/10 Chow, Amanda Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 25,000 $0.900
Nov 01/10 Oct 25/10 Myers, Donald George Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $0.900
Nov 01/10 Oct 25/10 Huston, Donald Carl Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $0.900
Nov 01/10 Oct 25/10 Pettit, Gaydon Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $0.900
Oct 27/10 Oct 26/10 Marvin, Robert David Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 25,000 $0.800
Oct 27/10 Oct 21/10 Marvin, Robert David Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -55,000 $0.965
Oct 21/10 Oct 21/10 Trimble, William Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.920
Oct 15/10 Oct 12/10 Pettit, Gaydon Direct Ownership Common Shares 11 - Disposition carried out privately -10,000 $1.030
Oct 07/10 Sep 29/10 Marvin, Robert David Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -45,000 $1.050
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Bayfield Ventures
80.3 M F/D - Oct 11, 2012
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