Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd

The Company sampled three trenches, which totaled 55 meters long, to provide metallurgical and ore zone data for oxidized mineralization at bedrock. The trenches ranged from 5.5 to 11.3 metres wide at the toe and were from 4.6 to 6.1 metres deep.

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Announces Updated Resource Estimate at Cow Mountain and Addresses Canadian Technical Information Disclosure with the BC Securities Commission

News Release 13-10

June 18, 2013

Vancouver, BC --- Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (''Barkerville" or the ''Company'') (BGM.V) today announced updated Mineral Resources for Cow Mountain at its Cariboo Gold Project, and clarified technical disclosure on its Cariboo Gold Project.

On August 14, 2012, the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "BCSC"), the securities regulatory authority in the Province of British Columbia, delivered a letter to Barkerville stating that it had completed a review of the technical report entitled "Technical Report, Mineral Resources and Potential, Cariboo Gold Project, Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd., Cariboo Gold District, British Columbia" filed by the Company on August 12, 2012 in support of a resource estimate on the Cow Mountain sector of the Cariboo Gold Project (the "Original Technical Report"). The Original Technical Report was filed in support of a resource estimate announced by the Company in a news release dated June 29, 2012 (the "June Estimate") and included a revised resource estimate on the Cow Mountain Sector (the "August Estimate"). The review by the BCSC identified a number of disclosure and filing issues with the Original Technical Report. Based on this, the BCSC issued a cease trade order in respect of the Company's shares. To revoke the cease trade order, the Company was required to address the disclosure issues of the BCSC and file a new Canadian National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") report on the Cariboo Gold Project.

Updated Technical Report on the Cariboo Gold Project

Barkerville has now filed an updated technical report entitled "Technical Report, Effective Date December 31, 2012, Cariboo Gold Project, Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd., Cariboo Mining District, British Columbia" (the "Updated Technical Report"), co-authored by Peter T. George, P. Geo., of Geoex Limited ("Geoex"), Ivor W.O. Jones, FAusIMM(CP) and Robert McCarthy, P. Eng., of Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. ("Snowden"), and Michael B. Dufresne, P. Geo., of and APEX Geoscience Ltd. ("APEX"), which addresses the disclosure issues raised by the BCSC.

As part of its response to the BCSC review, the Company retained Snowden and APEX, both independent mining and geological consulting firms that had not previously reported on the property, to co-author a new technical report, together with previous independent author Peter George, P. Geo., of Geoex. Snowden assisted Geoex and the Company in the review and audit of the data validation and verification aspects of the Cow Mountain data, and the review of the most appropriate estimation method currently applicable at Cow Mountain, and Snowden completed an independent Mineral Resource estimate for the Cow Mountain sector of the Cariboo Gold Project. Snowden also assisted in making recommendations for the Cariboo Gold Project including the exploration targets for the property. APEX assisted Snowden, Geoex and the Company in a review of all exploration data for the property and in the identification and recommendations for the exploration targets for the property.

Revised Resource Estimate for Cow Mountain

The mineral resource estimated is based upon an open pit scenario for the mining of gold mineralization to a depth of 1,000 ft beneath the surface of Cow Mountain in an area immediately surrounding the underground workings of the Cariboo Gold Quartz Mine. The resource estimate involved the application of Multiple Indicator Kriging ("MIK") for gold grade estimation of a block model using Datamine mining software. The following table sets out the results of the mineral estimation for Cow Mountain.

Cow Mountain Mineral Resource reported at a cut-off grade of 0.012 oz/t Au, Effective December 31, 2012

 |Category            |Tonnage|Gold grade |Contained |
 |                    |(Mtons)|(ppm)      |Gold (Moz)|
 |Measured            |-      --          --         |
 |Indicated           |17.7   |2.00       |1.04      |
 |Measured + Indicated|17.7   |2.00       |1.04      |
 |Inferred            |49.2   |2.74       |3.94      |


Tons and contained ounces have been rounded and this may have resulted in minor apparent discrepancies.

Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves. Mineral Resources do not have demonstrated economic viability and may never be converted into Mineral Reserves.

The underlying premise in the exploration model is that there are widespread, small scale veins and pyrite replacement zones that, if encountered during historic underground mapping, would have been too small to be economically recovered during the historic underground operations.

The mineral resource reported above was derived from the original data with default values added to unsampled intervals. The resultant resource estimates were prepared using MIK in 25 ft x 25 ft x 25 ft blocks, and the prospect of economic extraction tested using open pit optimisation. This demonstrated that the project is worthy of a more rigorous engineering study to evaluate the economic potential of the mineral resource identified at Cow Mountain.

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