Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd

The Company sampled three trenches, which totaled 55 meters long, to provide metallurgical and ore zone data for oxidized mineralization at bedrock. The trenches ranged from 5.5 to 11.3 metres wide at the toe and were from 4.6 to 6.1 metres deep.
in response to webgogs's message

After reading this I believe there is a good chance Peter George have done a good job after all. Any thoughts?

Mr. Peter George is the Qualified Person acting on behalf of Barkerville Gold Mines. He has 45 years of geological experience and I am confident that he has rigorously adhered to the codified set of rules and guidelines as promulgated by NI 43-101.

In 2010, Peter George completed a NI 43-101 resource report on Rubicon Minerals. This report outlined a resource of 4 million ounces and a compliant geological potential of 13 to 16 million ounces. Much has been said about the BCSC’s rejection of these numbers. A ubsequent Preliminary Economic Assessment report, which was very conservative in determining the gold resource only reduced Mr. George’s resource estimate by 10% to 3.6 million ounces and did not address the geological potential. At the annual meeting in 2011, a Rubicon executive commenting on the PEA said “it pretty much validates Peter George’s original NI 43-101.”

Mr. George was also responsible for a San Gold NI 43-191 resource estimate, which was essentially accepted without material change by the BCSC. He submitted an NI 43-101 compliant geological potential estimate of between 9 and 13.3 million gold ounces on behalf of Gold Eagle, but the report was not published because Gold Eagle was purchased by GoldCorp for $1.5 billion (CAD), prior to the mandatory date for publication of his report.

In other words, Mr. George fully understands the scrutiny that BCSC officials will give his NI 43-101 report detailing his huge gold resource estimation and enormous geological potential for the Barkerville property. I remain comfortable that he is satisfied with his computations.

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