Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd

The Company sampled three trenches, which totaled 55 meters long, to provide metallurgical and ore zone data for oxidized mineralization at bedrock. The trenches ranged from 5.5 to 11.3 metres wide at the toe and were from 4.6 to 6.1 metres deep.

Yo, brother Mike, I don't think .84 is going to prove out to be late in. The only real painful late movements for me are when I eat too much cheese.

I was looking at this in the mid .40 region, doin me research in June and the bugger took off with me sitting on the bench, short of coin. All part of growing up. I lucked out and got an unexpected cheque from the fine folks at RevCan up yer neck o the woods. Just when I had made a decision to grab some. Pure fluke on my part. An omen says Momma Truck.

We had the money in our CIBC chequing account and told National Bank Direct to transfer some into Momma's RSP at Nat Bank. They screwed up and took 10 days to get it done. By this time it had gone from about .75 to .89. A nice young French fella named Jean-Phillipe fixed that and got 'em at .76 when they were trading at .89. They done right by us and boy am I glad they did. Pure fluke.

The trading Friday may prove ominous on the up side. Friday before a long weekend, it dies off after lunch, Moe Mentum and the Flippers are headin north up the 400 and lo' and behold it pops up again late in the day. Don't see that too often.

Tuesday should be a very interesting day. I imagine there will be a lot of reading done this weekend and a lot of minds made up. Lots of fingers on the trigger. Both sides.

Speaking of late movements, this board could use some movement of late. Given the volume and the followers, you'd thunk there would be a megatude of posts here. Lots of chatter on Poophouse, that most evil of boards. There are a few decent folks over there with some decent links and logic, but the loons are always there with constant gnumb gnuts posts. Pain in butt.

Either way, buckle up for this one over the next while. Gonna be a ride. Widows and orphans to the back of the line please. You must be over _ this tall to ride.


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