Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd

The Company sampled three trenches, which totaled 55 meters long, to provide metallurgical and ore zone data for oxidized mineralization at bedrock. The trenches ranged from 5.5 to 11.3 metres wide at the toe and were from 4.6 to 6.1 metres deep.

Just dropping in to say hello. Recognize a few names here. Pretty quiet board. Lots of chatter on that other board, but I try to avoid that puppy like the plague.

I jumped in for a little buy last week. Could be wicked fun. Momma trucker is from the part of the world and has been to the old ghost town and mine severall times. She insisted I buy as this is an omen.

I did a couple months DD, and have reached out to catch that knife now. Tough hands.

I was on a buying spree on the other stock where I am the Crowned King. (You see?)

Had to vote on this company with my wallet rather than my yap.

Fella named Norge, I think, on t'other board said it best. "There is gold there. Someone will buy it."

I have made some tremendous mistakes in the past. Redfern comes to mind. One of the longest, wierdest sagas in the history of mining right there also. Should come into production when my grandkids are ready to retire. They ain't born yet.

I don't think this one is a mistake, but it sure is a scary one. The kind I like.

If all turns out to be close to the truth, and no hankus pankus (latin) is found, hang on to your friggin seat.

Hang on to your seat either way. Hee Hee. Yee'haw.


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