Baja Mining Corp.

Developing the El Boleo mine - 2010 Baja California Sur, Mexico’s largest Copper/Cobalt deposit
in response to koala's message

First of all, the CEO's daughter was independently hired, and is fully qualified to hold the job, and is being paid to industry standards. Those renumerations were arrived at by the committee that oversees managements saleries. So no one stole anything from anyone regarding this matter. This is simply politics played by Mount Kellett to get people who dont fully understand the situation mad, and its obviously working. They are simply playing with you for thier benefit.

Secondly the funds were raised in order to build a processing facility, and to meet the financial terms of the loan, not to spend willy nilly. Regardless of how many shares Baja buys, Mount Kellett has the potential to short the stock as they have essentially unlimited resources at their disposal.

All five institutions following this story have a strong buy or a buy rating on the stock, with a $1.90 stock price. Now who do you think would potentially keep the stock low to upset retail investors so they either sell thier shares cheap or vote with mount kellett, and you only get one chance at getting it right.

Its not that the CEO, or the Board does not care about us, its just that they are held to a higher standard than investors, and have limited ability to do anything about the stock price.

What they need to focus on is being on time, on budget, and make the process work over the next 10 months. That is their fist priority, without that nothing else matters.

Its irrelavant what the stock price is between here and next summer, when its expected that they put the copper into production. Once we start to get money flowing, and paying down the debt, the share price will take care of itself regadless of interference. If you are not going to sell shares till 2013, then what difference does it make what the share price is today, or this year, other that it gives you another buying opportunity.

Baja has the potential to make about
.80/share profit once in production, at a P/E of 10 do the stock could be $8, at a P/E of 15 the SP could be $12. Ask your self under these circumstances if you have the patience to wait two years for this kind of return. Why would anyone sell before the end of 2013?

It wasent Mark McGoldrick that raised a billion dollars for this project, with most of it at 3.05%, no it was John Greenslade, and this board. But Mark would probably like to make a billion dollars profit taking your shares away from you as early as possible. Are you going to let him do that?

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Baja Mining Corp.
386.3M FD June30, 2011
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