B2Gold Corp.

<p><font size="4" color="#999900" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><b>130,000 oz of Gold / year - Q4 2009 </b></font></p> <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><b>Exploration &amp; production. Properties in Nicaragua, Colombia, Panama &amp; Russia </b></font></p>


JUNE 9, 2014

James Rickards has been quite vocal in his view that the price of gold is headed much higher. Yet, in the same breath he aggressively promotes the idea of using the IMF SDR to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

There’s two reasons for this. First, if you study Rickard’s background going all the way back to his role in the Iran hostage crisis, you’ll see that he’s been lifetime “front man” for the most powerful interest groups that control this country behind the scenes. First and foremost he’s a front-man for the Pentagon.

I’ve been told separately, independently from two different sources that the elite insiders in the Department of Defense know that the demise of the dollar is inevitable…. and that there’s nothing that can be done to prevent it.

Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler,

Which brings us to the second reason that Rickards is trying to pimp the IMF SDR like a magic elixir snake-oil salesman. The U.S. dollar currently represents 61.2% of the IMF SDR: SDR Currency Basket.

If the U.S. Government can persuade the world to accept the IMF SDR as a replacement for the dollar, the U.S. Government will still have de facto control over the world’s reserve currency and therefore can continue to defer the systemic collapse of the U.S. into the future. Please note the absence of Chinese yuan or Russian rubles from the IMF SDR basket.

I have always believed that China and Russia would never accept an IMF SDR as the global reserve currency, even if the U.S. and EU were willing to put those two respective currencies in the basket. The biggest clue for me has been the rate at which both China and Russia are accumulating gold in their currency reserve accounts and working to eliminate the use of the dollar in their trade agreements.

But this article, reinforces my view – BRICS To Form Their Own “IMF:”

The BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — are reportedly close to finalizing their long-awaited development bank and currency reserve, each valued at $100 billion, in what has been billed as a historic challenge by the world’s emerging economies to a global financial architecture that has been dominated by the U.S. and Western Europe since its post–World War II inception.

The BRICS nations first announced their plans for the bank in March 2013 but struggled to reach an agreement over China’s desire to hold a greater stake in the institution. But a Brazilian government official told Reuters last week that the five members were ready to split funding and control equally, clearing the last major hurdle for a launch in 2016.

To economists in the developing world, who have long criticized the World Bank and IMF as anathema to the countries they purport to help, the New Development Bank holds tremendous promise. Critics say the West has taken advantage of its monopoly in international lending to wield outsize influence in the economic and political affairs of developing countries, dictating development models that further entrench these countries’ subservience to the West.

But unlike the U.S. and Europe, who are in lockstep on most things, the BRICS countries have little in common but a shared ambition to rebalance the global economic order.

I would suggest that anyone who wants to see the issues clearly should place a little less “faith” in the information being disseminated by people like Jim Rickards. I would also suggest that the unwillingness of Russia/China to cooperate with the U.S. on the matter of the U.S. dollar is the reason recent military aggression by the U.S. toward Russia and China…

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