Aurizon Mines's Profile

Production – Development – Exploration The best place to find gold…. Is in a gold mine

Aurizon Mines Ltd.Vancouver, British Columbia, TSX : ARZ; NYSE-A : AZK, is a Canadian based gold producer, exploration and development company.Its existing projects in the Abitibi region of north-western Quebec are in one of the world's most favourable mining jurisdictions and prolific gold and base metal regions.

Exploration is currently being conducted at Casa Berardi, as well as at Aurizon's other gold project, Joanna, and its' gold/uranium project, Kipawa.

The third quarter 2008 was highlighted by the following activities:

  • Cash flow from operating activities of $14.2 million.
  • Net earnings of $7.1 million, or $0.05 per share, and adjusted net earnings of $3.7 million, or $0.02 per share.
  • Gold production of 41,522 ounces.
  • Lower mining costs of $101 per tonne.
  • Debt reduced by $13 million.
  • New gold zone discovery 7.5 kilometres east of Casa Berardi.

Aurizon Strategy

The best place to find gold…. Is in a gold mine…

Focused on becoming an intermediate gold producer by exploring and developing large land positions on favourable geological trends, close to infrastructure, in politically stable, pro-mining jurisdictions.

Aurizon's Assets

In addition to Casa Berardi, Aurizon owns the Joanna Gold Project and the Kipawa Exploration Property. Aurizon's combined property holdings cover in excess of 300 square miles of prospective geology in the Abitibi area of Quebec.

Casa Berardi Project

Casa Berardi - Gold - Commenced commercial gold production in second quarter 2007. Expected to produce approximately 155,000 - 160,000 gold ounces per year

Casa Berardi produced 41,522 ounces of gold in the third quarter of 2008 and 40,228 ounces were sold at an average price US$845 per ounce.

Since commissioning the mill in November 2006, Casa Berardi has produced 297,667 ounces of gold, primarily from Zone 113. Development is currently under way within the Lower Inter Zone in order to provide supplemental mill feed for 2009.


At Casa Berardi, a three year underground exploration program, initiated in 2007, will continue as follows:

  • Drilling has commenced from the rehabilitated track drift on the 280 metre level in the area of the Principal Zones and between the two mines where limited surface exploration has been performed to date. Open pit and underground mining opportunities in the aea of the Prinicpal Zones are currently being evaluated.
  • At the East Mine, a rehabilitation of the underground workings is complete and definition drilling is in progress with the objective of upgrading the mineral resources and evaluating mining oppourtunities.
  • An exploration drift is being developed at the 810 metre level, east of Zone 113 and south of the Casa Berardi fault, to provide drill access to test the depth extension of Zone 113 and to test the continuity and extension of Zones 118 to 122 and 123-South. Drilling has commenced to test the depth extension of Zone 113.

Joanna - Gold - Advanced exploration

In September 2008, Aurizon entered into a letter agreement with Alexandria Minerals Corporation ("Alexandria") whereby Alexandria has granted the Company an option to earn an undivided 100% interest in nineteen (19) mineral claims, subject to an existing 2% net smelter return and a 2% gross overriding receipts royalty on any diamonds extracted from the claims. One half of the net smelter return royalty (i.e. 1%), may be purchased at any time for total cash payments of

$2,000,000. The Alexandria Claims are located adjacent to the Company's Joanna Project, located along the Cadillac Break, in the Joannes Township, two kilometres northeast of the Rouyn-Noranda airport and 20 kilometres east of Rouyn-Noranda.

Kipawa Gold - Uranium Property, Quebec

The Kipawa gold-uranium project is an early stage exploration project located approximately 100 kilometres south of Rouyn-Noranda, halfway between the Elliot Lake uranium camp and the Abitibi gold belt camp.


Exploration fieldwork continued during the third quarter, 2008 at Kipawa with the commencement of an initial drill program to test previously defined gold and rare earth targets in the southern portion of the property. Assays for gold, uranium, and rare earth elements are pending. Results of the program are expected late in the fourth quarter.

The Aurizon Advantage

Excellent Location:

  • Politically stable, pro-mining
  • Good geology and infrastructure

Attractive Gold Production Profile:

  • 150,000 - 155,000 ounces/year from Casa Berardi
  • Potential incremental production from Joanna

Significant Exploration Potential:

  • Large prospective land positions
  • Untested depth potential

Proven Management:

  • Exploration success at Casa, Joanna & Kipawa
  • Built Casa Berardi on time and on budget!
Last changed at 05-Jun-2012 11:27PM by renaissance

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors

    David P. Hall
    Position: President & Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Mr. Hall, a Chartered Accountant, has been involved with Vancouver based Aurizon Mines Ltd. since its creation in 1988 and has been involved with the management of mineral exploration, development and operating companies, including Aurizon's predecessor companies, since 1981. Mr. Hall has been instrumental in securing significant project debt and equity financings for a number of mining projects, including the Golden Giant Mine, in Hemlo, Ontario; and the Sleeping Giant, Beaufor and Casa Berardi mines in Quebec. From 1970 to 1981, Mr. Hall worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Scotland, Bermuda and Vancouver, B.C., and is a member of the Institutes of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia and Scotland.

    Ian S. Walton
    Position: Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Walton is a Chartered Accountant and has been involved with public companies in the mining industry for more than 25 years. Mr. Walton is fully experienced with all aspects of mining finance, taxation and treasury functions. Mr. Walton has been involved with Aurizon since its inception in 1988.

    Michel Gilbert
    Position: Vice President

    Mr. Gilbert is a geological engineer with more than 20 years of exploration experience in Canada and Mexico, including 9 years with Cambior. Mr. Gilbert joined Aurizon's team in 1996.

    Gilles Brousseau
    Position: General Manager, Mining

    Gilles has more than 40 years of mining experience working with companies such as Barrick Gold Corp. and Teck Cominco Ltd. He has been involved in a number of mine startup situations including the startup of Bousquet 1 and Bousquet 2, in the Abitibi Belt, and as manager of El Indio in Chile.

    Julie A. Stokke Kemp
    Position: Corporate Secretary

    Ms. Kemp is a member of the Canadian Society of Corporate Secretaries and has been involved in the mining industry since 1983, during which time she has been the Corporate Secretary of a number of public companies. Ms. Kemp has been involved with Aurizon since its inception and is responsible for organizing Aurizon's legal and regulatory compliance activities.

    Chris McLean
    Position: Corporate Controller

    Mr. McLean is a Certified Management Accountant and has nearly ten years of accounting experience in the wholesale, retail and service industries. Mr. McLean joined Aurizon in 2006 and is responsible for maintaining and strengthening internal controls over financial reporting as well as supporting the Quebec operations on internal cost control and external reporting matters.

    SARGENT H. BERNER Director 1

    Mr. Berner is the President of Kent Avenue Consulting Ltd. and is a former partner of the Vancouver law firm of DuMoulin Black LLP, specializing in corporate, mining and securities law. Mr. Berner is also a director of several junior resource companies and has been a Director of Aurizon since its inception in 1988.

    LOUIS DIONNE Director 1, 3

    Mr. Dionne is a mining engineer and has spent over 20 years in the operation and development of gold properties, most recently as President and CEO of Richmont Mines Inc, a Canadian gold producer. Prior to his service with Richmont, Mr. Dionne was Senior Vice President, Underground Operations for Barrick Gold Corporation, where he also provided technical input and leadership in the area of corporate mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Dionne joined Aurizon's Board in May, 2006.

    Mr. Falzon, a Chartered Accountant, has held senior financial executive positions in the mining industry for over 20 years. For most of those years, he was Vice President and Controller of Barrick Gold Corporation, responsible for Barrick's financial reporting requirements. In that capacity, Mr. Falzon was involved in the financial aspects of Barrick's business acquisitions, financings and mine development activities. Most recently, Mr. Falzon served as Vice President, Planning and Compliance and was responsible for the establishment and management of Barrick's compliance and internal audit functions. Mr. Falzon joined Aurizon's Board in May, 2008.

    Mr. Faucher is a Professional Engineer trained in metallurgical engineering. Mr. Faucher has had extensive experience in the management of large mining and metallurgical projects and has held senior management positions in several large mining companies and metallurgical projects, including the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Royalties Inc., President of Niocan Inc., Vice-President, Brunswick Mining & Smelting, for Noranda Inc.; President and General Manager for Falconbridge Dominicana, a large nickel mine; and President and COO of Princeton Mining Corp., where he was instrumental in completing a $140 million prospectus offering for the Huckleberry Mining Project in British Columbia. In 2006, Mr. Faucher completed the Directors Education Program at McGill University and sits on several other boards. Mr. Faucher joined Aurizon's Board in June, 1999.

    Ms. Diane Francis, Editor-at-Large, National Post, is an experienced financial journalist, renowned for her columns which appear in The Financial Post section of the National Post. She is also a broadcaster and author of eight best-selling books and is a sought-after speaker, host of events and participant in conferences around the world. She has been honoured with many prestigious awards from associations, publications and universities across the country, most recently as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University. Ms. Francis joined Aurizon's Board in August, 2007.

    BRIAN S. MOORHOUSE, Lead Director 1, 2, 3

    Mr. Moorhouse is President of Vega Management Corporation, a private investment management company of which he is also the principal shareholder. Mr. Moorhouse has a commerce degree with a major in economics and he formerly worked in the investment industry as an advisor with Nesbitt Thompson, Richardson Securities and Brink, Hudson & Lefever Ltd. Mr. Moorhouse has extensive experience in financial markets and was instrumental in raising equity funds for Aurizon's predecessor companies. Mr. Moorhouse has been a Director of Aurizon since its inception in 1988.

    IAN S. WALTON, Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer,Director

    Mr. Walton is a Chartered Accountant and has been involved with public companies in the mining industry for more than 25 years. Mr. Walton is experienced with all aspects of mining finance, taxation and treasury functions. Mr. Walton has been involved with Aurizon since its inception in 1988 and joined Aurizon's Board in June, 1993.

    1 Member of Executive Compensation and Corporate Goverance Committee
    2 Member of Audit Committee
    3 Member of Environment, Health, Safety and Welfare Committee

Broker Fact Sheet

  • ARZ Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Aurizon Mines
164,375,897 FD - Mar 31, 2012
Metals & Minerals
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