Argonaut Gold Inc.

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How about giving us the 40 + million? I could difinitely use some of it about now.

Argonaut Gold Meets Production Guidance with 139,059 Gold Equivalent Ounces and increases Cash Balance to $46 million

2016 Guidance of 130,000-140,000 Gold Equivalent Ounces of Production at a Cash Cost of $750-$800

Toronto, Ontario – (January 13, 2016) Argonaut Gold Inc. (“Argonaut”, “Argonaut Gold” or the “Company”; TSX: AR) announced today that it had produced 30,399 gold equivalent ounces (“GEO” or “GEOs”; calculated at conversion ratios set out below) during the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2015. This included 16,731 GEOs at its 100% owned El Castillo Mine (“El Castillo”) located in the State of Durango, Mexico and 13,668 GEOs at its 100% owned La Colorada Mine (“La Colorada”) located near Hermosillo, Mexico.

4th Quarter Change Full Year Change
2015 2014 2015 2014
Total Gold Equivalent Ounce Production:
GEOs loaded to the pads1 55,769 62,823 ↓11% 214,662 241,656 ↓11%
GEOs projected recoverable ounces1,2 28,823 38,093 ↓24% 119,256 140,563 ↓15%
GEOs produced ounces1 30,399 44,312 ↓31% 139,059 136,706 ↑2%
GEOs ounces sold1 29,337 41,172 ↓29% 136,874 132,976 ↑3%

1 GEOs are based on conversion ratio of 55:1 for silver to gold ounces and is the referenced ratio for the 2015 results
2 Recoverable ounces – El Castillo expected recovery rates: ROM oxide 50%, crushed oxide 70%, ROM transition 40%, crushed transition 60%, crushed sulphides argillic 30% and crushed sulphides silicic 17%; La Colorada expected recovery rates: gold 60% and silver 30%.

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