ARGEX Titanium Inc

Argex Silver Capital Inc Drilling the La Blache property with historic tonnage of 79 million tonnes grading 20.5% Titanium, 48% iron ore and .36% vanadium
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over 14 years ago

Argex's Enormous Titanium – Iron - Vanadium Deposit in Process of Being Taken Co


Sector: Mining - Metals and Minerals :

Sub Sector: Titanium-Iron-Vanadium :

News Release - April 9, 2010 5:36 ET

Argex's Enormous Titanium – Iron - Vanadium Deposit in Process of Being Taken Compliant and Expanded

NEW YORK, NY, April 9, 2010 /Sector Newswire/ - Metals & Minerals Digest has published a review on Argex Silver Capital Inc. (TSX VENTURE: RGX) (US Listing: ARGEF). The publication offers insight and opportunity afforded investors as RGX.V has transitioned from a CPC to a mining entity with very large historical high grade tonnage of titanium at its 100% owned La Blache Titanium-Vanadium Project in mining friendly Quebec where drilling is now underway to bring numbers compliant and build tonnage -- initial results are very encouraging.

The full publication with chart and valuation commentary may be found at:


Image 1. Drilling Program (on now) at RGX.V 100% owned La Blache Titanium-Iron-Vanadium Project. Inset image of core rich in high grade titanium. The material RGX.V will be processing would yield more than 80% product, there is not a lot of waste in it; there is typically 50% iron, 20% titanium, plus vanadium and a few other metals.

Argex Silver Capital Inc. has a historic resource of 78 million tonnes grading 20.5% titanium dioxide, 48% iron ore, and 0.36% vanadium – ‘this equates to a total gross in-situ value of the historic titanium, iron ore, vanadium tonnage is close to US$100 Billion. It is safe to say that with only ~56M shares outstanding and trading under CDN$0.50 RGX.V is poised for significant upside revaluation -- the process to take the deposit 43-101 compliant and expanded on is now underway.

A drill program is now underway at La Blache and the historic tonnage is expected to be surpassed and brought compliant to NI 43-101 standards, this should not be difficult as the deposit was historically drilled only to a depth of 20m. The La Blache deposit is a massive large body close to surface. Conceivably, going down to 40m hypothetically could readily double the historic tonnage and provide several decades of open pit mine life -- several holes will be drilled to between 150m - 250m. With drilling expected to be completed by early summer 2010, Argex has signed Met-Chem Canada Inc. of Montreal, Quebec to complete a National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report on the mineral resource estimate.

A 13,000 metre drill program began in February 2010 on the Lac La Blache property and so far in excess of 41 holes totaling more than 6000 metres have been completed. The latest drilling data available was released on April 7, 2010 and the results were exceptionally encouraging revealing large intersection of massive titaniferous magnetite and partial assays -- more assays are forthcoming. Michael Dehn, President and CEO, Argex Silver Capital Inc. was contacted to comment after the April 7th release on the progress to date and he said “the strike and tonnage is falling in with our expectations.” He also mentioned the signature is very magnetic so a few holes turned up misses, this is also due to the fact they are testing over almost a kilometre strike length and need to test the geometry of the zones, however after 6000m of drilling Argex has a handle on matters. The drill has now moved on to the next zone and Argex is now going to start 7000m of drilling there.

Another recent development was the announcement that Argex has engaged Process Research Ortech Inc. (PRO) to develop an effective and economically viable process for the recovery of titanium dioxide. We note this group has been doing TiO2 work for a long time and hold several patents surrounding economical method(s) of producing TiO2 in a more environmentally friendly way directly from ilmenite (FeTiO3) ore. They have a lab in Mississauga at the Sheraton Research Centre which is where Vale Inco (NYSE: N) has their research department, Teck Cominco’s (NYSE: TCK) research group is there, and the National Research Council’s science group is there as well, among others. The advantage of selecting this group is that they are proven specialists in TiO2 and are set up for both metallurgy and mining in the complex with a mini plant built already, this will probably result in ~$1M savings on the development side for Argex. Muchael Dehn issued the following statement in the release pertaining to this development "Having access to such existing world-class facilities will certainly expedite the metallurgical work and thereby assist us we with our plans to move rapidly to titanium production."

The full publication with chart and valuation commentary may be found at:

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SOURCE: Sector Newswire Per: Metals & Minerals Digest

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