Amador Gold

Multi-Metal Company Exploiting Prominent Ontario Regions Significant new gold discovery on surface at Loveland (11.48 g\t gold) over 400 meters away from the only other known gold zone (6.37 g/t over 8.55 m & 10.39 g/t over 3.1 m)

Amador Gold Corp. (TSX-V:AGX) is pleased to announce a significant new gold discovery on its Loveland Nickel Copper project located approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Timmins Ontario. This discovery was made in the course of drilling to further delineate and expand the Cominco Zone of nickel-copper mineralization.

Drillhole LL08-13, collared to intersect the downdip extension of the Cominco Zone, intersected 6.37 g/t Au over a drilled width of 8.55 meters from 383.25 to 391.80 meters. Additional intercepts include 6.17 g/t Au over 3.0 meters from 403.0 to 406.0 meters and 10.39 g/t Au over 3.1 meters from 410.30 to 413.40 meters drilled width. This gold mineralization occurs within a sheared and silicified granodiorite as a stockwork of low angle quartz stringers associated with approximately 5 to 8% disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite. Although early observations suggest that there may be a structural control associated with the mineralization, an interpretation of this new gold zone is preliminary and more drilling will be required to determine the true width, dip, strike and plunge extents. Company geologists are presently reevaluating completed drill holes intersecting the granodiorite which may result in deepening the holes to intersect the gold zone.

Drill hole LL08-13 also intersected anomalous copper-nickel mineralization within gabbros in the upper portion of the hole. The hole was stopped at 425 meters and may be extended in the next phase of drilling to test for additional gold zones at depth.

Amador plans to explore the new gold zone and continue to expand the Cominco nickel copper zone to depth and along strike. The Cominco Zone is hosted in gabbroic rocks and historically grades approximately 1.40% combined copper-nickel as confirmed by previously released drill results (March 13, 2008). The mineralization resembles Xstrata’s Montcalm deposit 35 kilometers to the west. The zone appears to extend to surface, has now been traced along strike for approximately 175 meters, and has been intersected approximately 400 meters vertically below surface (assays pending).

A rigorous quality assurance program is employed which includes the insertion of standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Samples of the NQ size drill core are sawed in half, with one-half sent to a commercial laboratory, Expert Laboratory of Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, and the other half retained for future reference. Core samples are routinely analyzed for gold, nickel, copper and cobalt by aqua regia digestion with atomic absorption techniques. Any analyses greater than 5,000 ppm are re-analyzed using total acid digestion and atomic absorption techniques.

Charles Hartley, P.Geo and Peter Caldbick, P.Geo. are the qualified persons for the purposes of National Instrument 43-­101 for the Company's Loveland Project. Project supervision is by Charles Hartley and the contents of the press release have been reviewed and approved by Peter Caldbick.

About Amador

Amador Gold is well positioned to discover and capitalize on world class gold, silver, platinum, palladium and diamond deposits. The Company strategically accumulates large land packages with excellent mineral potential for exploration in existing mining or mineral districts, such as the Abitibi in Ontario. The Company's assets are entirely within Canada with a strong focus in Ontario. These properties have existing infrastructure and are often within road access to metallurgical facilities to process mined ores.

For further information contact: Alan Campbell or Kevin Hull,

Hughes Exploration Group
Phone: (604) 685-2222

Or visit Amador’s web-site: to see Smartstox interviews with our Company President.

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