Alto Ventures

Welcome To The Alto Ventures HUB On AGORACOM Alto Ventures Ltd.: Alto-Wescan Finalize Drill Contract for Mud Lake Project, Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt

From a very gloomy picture over several months ATV appear to be getting something together.

1) Deal with Razore Rock to develop Oxford Lake. The deal is issuance of a combination of RR shares and cash payable to ATV over a period to December 2016 and for RR to spend money on Oxford lake over that period. ( see ATV web site for full details)

2) Alto has optioned claims contiguous to the Pikoo diamond discovery. Mr Martin Doyle has joined Alto board to advise on this. A good way to see how things are going where the original discovery was made is to follow North Arrow SP (NAR.V) They have been quiet for a few months but a NR due soon on this.

3) Alto have also sold to Virginia Mines their 0.5% royalty on the Windfall and Acane properties for $750,000 payable in shares in Virginia. Alto also to receive $250,00 for issueing shares in Alto to Virginia Mines (Full details in ATV Web site)

Alto therefore have some cash coming in. The cash owing to the from Foundation Res. (now taken over by another company) should be completed by May if I'm correct. They also have the cash from Virginia Mines and some cash over a period about 20 months from RR.

This looks OK, but it may not be enough. If something good happens in the next few months on Oxford Lake and/or Pikoo then the SP of Alto should shoot up and they would be in a position to raise more cash without too much dilution.

Anyway that is how I see it! Interesting to see if anybody can see another scenario!

The wild card is of course the gold price.

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