Active Control Technology Inc.

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For immediate releaseTSX-V:ACT


$250,000US of additional annual revenue estimated per mine

TORONTO, October 6, 2009 - Active Control Technology Inc. (TSX-V:ACT)today announced that several months after its first Room & Pillarcoal mine installation of the MSHA approved ActiveMine system, it hasnow established a baseline to forecast recurring expansion revenues inexcess of $250,000 annually at its first mine installation. This is anew mine and has an estimated life span of 25 years.

ActiveMine's wireless Wi-Fi mesh network equipment was granted finalUS Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approval in April 2009and the company's first MSHA-approved network was installed in May ofthis year. Subsequently, the customer has been ordering additionalnetwork Wi-Fi nodes as their network grows to accommodate miningadvancement.

"After several months of production scale hardening, our firstcustomer is confident in ActiveMine and has begun rolling out oursystem in their additional mines. We thank our customer for theirconfidence in us and we look forward to contributing to their successthrough providing ActiveMine's excellent voice quality, high-bandwidthdata capabilities and accurate tracking," said Steve Barrett, Presidentand CEO of Active Control.

Typically, using a single continuous mining machine, a coal mine‘face' can be advanced 300 or more feet per day across several entries.Coal mines have at least one active face, and some mines can haveseveral active faces being mined simultaneously. Our first customer isat present mining one active face, and an additional active face isanticipated to be brought on-stream in the future.

The Company has an order backlog of over $3 million and to date hasinstalled ActiveMine in three underground coal mines. ACT has nine coalmine customers and aggressively continues to market its solution.

For further discussion of ActiveMine's revenue model and nodeexpansion in particular, please refer to the company's AnnualInformation Form (‘AIF') which was recently filed at

About Active Control Technology

Active Control Technology is a mining services company specializingin advanced wireless productivity and safety systems. The company'sMSHA-approved ActiveMine system provides two-way wireless voicecommunication, real-time tracking of personnel and assets, and highbandwidth data applications such as streaming video and operationaldata from mining machinery, over a robust wireless Wi-Fi network.Located in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, Active Control trades publiclyon the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol ACT. For more information,visit

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For further information, contact:

Steve Barrett, President & CEO

Active Control Technology

Tel.: 905-635-3130



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