The 300 Club

Welcome To The 300 Club HUB On AGORACOM We may not make much money, but we sure have a lot of fun!

Wishing any lingering followers the best fortune in 2017 and beyond. 


Part 2.

North America especially Canada and the USA are now in a permanent recession. A fully mature tree has periods of growth thanks to seasonal feedings and pruning and proper management of that tree allows continued propserity.

Similarly the economy has growth despite being fully mature.  Little pruning and caring has occured over the last 10 years instead there have been supports and straps put into place in the economy.

How can we be sure that the economy was indeed fully mature? While a tree is growing more parts of it including the peripheral portions of it prosper. That was the case for the economy through the 60's and into the 70's. The cost of ensuring continued prosperity has become greater and greater. Meanwhile new trees are propsering, China and the eastern countries are the current growth engines for the wrold economy and have begun to rival the USA in GDP. The periphery of the east is on an upward trajectory of prosperity ... Can that be said for North America? Indeed it would appear now that the healthy branches (middle class) are being denied required stimulus in order to feed the trunk (1%). 

The changes in the east is great news for those in support of social justice ..lets face it North Americans have gotten fat while other nations starved for nearly half a century. Of course none of this could have happened without the investment from the 1%, but they have now raped and pillaged the forest and are bleeding every last drop of life giving sap for themselves.  Do they deserve it, probably not however the great fortune (supported by the hard work) of North Americans could never be morally justified either given that the wealth of the average North American has for the last 50 years exceeded by in excess of 10 times others around the world.

Its interesting as China slows down, their investment in the silk road is on the increase. this is in sharp contrast to North America who invested in other countries in the same way they did in their own country; maximize the exploitation of the the resources (including hiuman resources) and when no longer productive discard them at the minimum cost.

2017 will likely be a watershed year, if not this year within the next 5 we will see the new world order, but that new world is almost certain to be vastly different than envisioned.

Al the best in the coming year

Chauncey the gardener (AKA Orgy)




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